Sex is everywhere - movies, songs, you name it.
But what happens to our bodies when sex is completely missing from someone’s life?
Thanks to a simulation by The Infographics Show on YouTube, we now know abstaining from sex can negatively affect your body and mind.
Doing the act plays a pretty fundamental role in our lives in that it is vital for the survival of the human species and the continuity of life on Earth.
But without going too deep into the meaning of life, going without it can have noticeable impacts on both your mental and physical health.
The video illustrates that guys who abstain for long periods could see an increased risk of prostate issues.
Regular ejaculation helps lower the chances of prostate cancer, and while masturbation can help, it doesn’t cover all the benefits of partnered sex.
Meanwhile, for women, a life without sex can have an impact on their physical health.
Like any other muscle, the pelvic floor muscle needs exercising to strengthen and without sex, it weakens.
"Sex strengthens the pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder," the video described.
"If a female never has sex, they may find themselves with a weak bladder. This could lead to leakage or incontinence."
Interestingly, the video explains that the longer people go without sex, the longer it takes for the body to be aroused when the time comes.
This may sound counterintuitive but the body needs time to respond and things like natural lubrication can take a bit more time to kick in.
The health effects of abstaining go on.
"Someone who has never had sex may have higher blood pressure than if they did have coitus," the video continued.

"The most likely reason for this is because there is a correlation between having sex and the lowering of stress hormone in the body."
Now it's not just sex that benefits the body but good sex.
Orgasms, in particular, have been linked to stronger immune systems according to The Infographics Show.
One study found that people who have sex regularly have higher levels of IgA, an antibody that helps fight infections.
Another benefit of sex is the physical intimacy and connection you receive from it that you can't get from self-pleasure.
A lack of intimacy, which scientists call 'skin hunger' or 'touch starvation' can make people feel more isolated or less secure in their bodies.
The video added: "The intimacy during sex can not be replicated even if someone spends a lot of time around other people.
"The physical contact and sensations during sex are sometimes necessary."
Physical contact plays a role in balancing hormones and creating a sense of closeness that’s hard to replace.
That said, everyone is different. Some people are perfectly fine without sex and don’t experience these side effects at all - so each to their own!