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Eerie simulation shows bizarre thing that happens to your body in a nuclear explosion

Eerie simulation shows bizarre thing that happens to your body in a nuclear explosion

Commenters were not expecting this

Ever wondered what happens to the human body during a nuclear explosion?

Well, wonder no more thanks to a chilling YouTube simulation by atomic marvel that illustrates the showdown between biology and physics.

And the effects are nothing short of terrifying.

The video first mentions that 'proximity is important' before walking viewers through the five stages of blast zones ad the worsening effects on the fragile body.

The first zone is considered 'light blast damage' which, in all honestly, is far from light.

If you’re here, shockwaves move at 56 km/h, and you’d likely experience permanent blindness due to retinal burns, second-degree burns and either temporary or permanent hearing loss from the deafening explosion.

Survivors here would almost definitely face some brutal long-term effects but these aren't detailed.

Zone two doesn’t get much better.

There's guaranteed permanent hearing loss eardrum rupture is very likely as well as a concussion.

Over in zone three, shockwaves are 800km/h and the 'heavy blast damage' would cause fourth-degree burns, traumatic brain injury, collapsed lungs and pulmonary contusion among other awful things before leading to certain death.

The effects of a nuclear explosion on the body depends on your proximity to the event (atomic marvel/YouTube)
The effects of a nuclear explosion on the body depends on your proximity to the event (atomic marvel/YouTube)

As you move into zone four, you’re even closer to the fireball. The force here is enough to cause body dismemberment from the blast wave and full incineration.

Finally, the fifth zone is as bad as it gets.

This is basically the stage of complete disintegration where 'anything inside the fireball is effectively vaporized.'

At this stage, it’s not even about dying in the traditional sense, you simply stop existing and just become matter.

And this is the craziest part that people can't wrap their heads around, as they express in the YouTube comments.

"Within the fireball, you don’t really die from anything, you just stop being biology and start being physics," the first user pointed out.

"You don’t exactly die, you just stop existing, to fast for even your brain to process the light from the blast," another added.

"Props to the guy who volunteered to be obliterated by a nuclear explosion," another user joked.

"So if you survive, it's a worse case scenario," someone else wrote.

Featured Image Credit: atomic marvel/YouTube