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Reddit users are already making crazy predictions for GTA 7

Reddit users are already making crazy predictions for GTA 7

Only a week after GTA 6's trailer dropped, GTA Fans on Reddit are already making predictions on what GTA 7 will have in store for us.

The world has talked non-stop since the GTA VI trailer dropped on December 5th.

I'm sure it's been a hot topic in your office, friendship group or - at the very least - something you've overheard people talking about.

Rockstar's new release has some extremely ecstatic fans and other viewers... not so much.

Now, Reddit forums and X are flooding with fan predictions on character storylines, hidden identities, plots and more.

One Reddit post in particular has sparked interest with the caption : I'm sick of hearing about GTA6. Let's talk about GTA 7'.

Fans are flooding Reddit forums with their GTA 7 predictions / Rockstar / YouTube
Fans are flooding Reddit forums with their GTA 7 predictions / Rockstar / YouTube

The thread has sparked ideas and crazy predictions among fans about what GTA 7 could hold in store for us - despite GTA 6's release being about two years away out.

Some fans believe the franchise will loop back to its origins, with one confident viewer stating that GTA 7 will be 'liberty city for sure'.

Whilst another GTA fan shared: 'It will either be a brand new City/state we've never had in GTA before or a city that was never really 'remade' like Las Venturas, San Fierro or something like that.

'I'm really hoping Rockstar will do some GTA set in the 1930s like the Mafia games, but will probably never gonna happen.'

Another said: 'I hope that they actually take us to a brand new city in gta 7. I get that they wanted to revisit all the locations from the 3d era of gta in the new HD worlds of gta 4 5 and 6. But I think it would be interesting seeing a brand new fleshed out region.'

Some fan predict GTA 7 could introduce a new map entirely / Rockstar / YouTube
Some fan predict GTA 7 could introduce a new map entirely / Rockstar / YouTube

Others argued that they're tired of the 'same three cities over and over again' and want Rockstar to introduce something new entirely. Specifically, some are hoping for Rockstar to bring free roam to new cities like London, Chicago, or Tokyo.

Another comment expanded on the idea of Rockstar going with an 'American simulator' vibe, 'GTA 7 will probably be AI focused as well'. Potentially, GTA could introduce its next game in 'VR', some predict.

Nevertheless, some fans have chosen to step away from the predictions on the basis that GTA 6 hasn't even been released yet. One commented: 'The fact that people are already speculating where this game will take place lol. It’s literally at LEAST ten years away, y’all are absolutely nuts.'

What do you think? Do you have some wild predictions for the potential GTA VII, or is it too early to tell what Rockstar has in store for 2040?

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar / YouTube