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Tech expert shares ‘secret’ emoji trick that iPhone users didn’t know existed

Tech expert shares ‘secret’ emoji trick that iPhone users didn’t know existed

It’s wowed millions of iPhone users.

We all love using a good emoji, whether that’s to send a playful text or perfectly caption a snap on Instagram.

But, we bet you didn’t know there’s a new hack for iPhone users about having an emoji on your display screen.

We’ve all been there, looking at the clock and being filled with dread - maybe you realize it’s time to turn into bed for an early start, or notice you’ve only got a few minutes left until you have to catch the last bus home from a party.

A TikToker, who goes by Tech Hack Guy, has shared a really great hack.
TikTok/Tech Hack Guy

Well, you’ll be happy to know, you can now stick an emoji next to your time on your iPhone.

Now eyeing the time doesn’t have to be quite so bad.

One TikToker, known as the Tech Hack Guy online, shared this cracking hack on his page in 2022, and the video went viral - it now has a whopping 23.4 million views.

In the video, he chats through how to do the hack, saying: “Go to ‘settings’ and click on ‘focus’, and press the plus in the top right hand corner.

“Then, go to ‘custom’ and select the emoji - you can give it a name and select the color.

“There’s quite a few emojis to choose from.

“Then, go to ‘next’ and ‘allow none’.

“Then press ‘done’ and switch it on.”

TikTok users have flooded to the comments expressing their amazement - one said: “”Wow that's so incredibly useful!!”

People have also been playing around with the different types of emojis - one user wrote, “I did the heart one, it's so cute” and another stated, “It worked for me, I used the train one, color red!”

A TikTok user has shown off a pretty cool emoji hack.
Idrees Abbas/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

But, quite a few users were a bit confused, as it looks as if focus mode has to be on for it to work - so, for the emoji to show, notifications will be turned off.

Someone commented: “So allowing no notifications when this focus is on would mean you're not notified of anything unless you have it added?”

Since then, Tech Guy has replied to some of the comments and clarified that “if you choose the apps and click allow, you will still get notifications” when going into settings, so there seems to be a fix.

So, are you going to try the latest hack?

It could be a nice way to start the day.

Featured Image Credit: Credit: techhackguy/ TikTok