Apple CEO Tim Cook has an intense morning routine that starts as early as 3:45am.
It seems like there is no rest for the tech boss and running one of the world’s biggest companies doesn’t involve a lie-in.
If you’ve ever wondered what Tim Cook’s morning routine is like, it starts very early.
The mogul rises before dawn and spends time reading through hundreds of feedback emails from customers.
Speaking to The Australian Financial Review back in 2021, Cook said: “I can control the morning better than the evening and through the day. Things happen through the day that kind of blow you off course.
“The morning is yours. Or should I say, the early morning is yours.”
After sifting through his inbox, Cook heads to the gym for around 5am.
Talking to Axios in 2018, he said: “I go to the gym and work out for an hour because it keeps my stress at bay.”
And for a post-work out treat, the Apple CEO hits up Starbucks before making his way to the office.
At work, he spends most of his day in meetings that can last as long as five or six hours.
According to CNN Money, Cook is known for ‘long, uncomfortable pauses’ during his meetings, when all you hear is the sound of his tearing the wrapper of the energy bars he constantly eats’.

As a result, his employees are known to prepare for their meetings with the boss ‘as if they were tests’.
So, what does the CEO of one of tech’s industry giants have for lunch?
Apparently, he keeps it pretty simple.
At the Apple cafeteria, Cook will often choose chicken and rice for his lunch, which he is known to eat with other employees.
And it's quite a long day for him - back when he was COO, Cook would regularly be one of the first people to show up at work in the morning and one of the last to leave at the end of the day.
However, not much is known about what Cook gets up to after work as he’s quite a private person.
It’s known that he’s an outdoorsy person who likes cycling and rock climbing, and some of his favorite places to visit include Yosemite and Zion national parks.
And according to a piece by Fortune back in 2012, Cook has also been spotted vacationing at the Canyon Ranch resort in Arizona.
There, guests found him dining alone and reading on his iPad.