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Netflix begins banning accounts as fans start breaking subscription rule

Netflix begins banning accounts as fans start breaking subscription rule

Some subscribers weren't given any warning.

Netflix has been taking over headlines recently due to its clamp down on certain user bypasses.

Just last week, the major streaming service kicked out Apple's piece of the pie by removing its payment method, forcing thousands of users to create a new direct payment method if they wanted to keep their accounts.

Now, Netflix is been cracking down on subscribers using VPNs to access the service.

Recent Reddit threads reveal that Netflix subscribers have been using VPNs (virtual private networks) to bypass high subscription fees.

Netflix has ben clamping down on users bypassing subscription rules / NurPhoto / Contributor / Getty
Netflix has ben clamping down on users bypassing subscription rules / NurPhoto / Contributor / Getty

Users shared their experiences of being able to stream movies and TV shows from different countries whilst residing in their own country.

VPNs work by disguising your internet data, making it appear as though you're accessing the internet from a different location than where you actually are.

However, Netflix caught wind of this and is now conducting 'banwaves' on people who are abusing regional pricing. The popular platform identified a mismatch between the VPN's IP-address and the country associated with the payment method.

One user from the Netherlands opened up the topic claiming that Netflix subscriptions are 'notably steep' where they live.

'To bypass these high fees, I previously adopted a popular workaround: purchasing a Netflix subscription from Turkey via a VPN to make it seem like I was accessing the service from there,' they explained.

However, the member quickly found their subscription abruptly cancelled on suspicion of 'fraud'.

Users are using VPNs to get cheaper subscriptions / Nanci Santos / Getty
Users are using VPNs to get cheaper subscriptions / Nanci Santos / Getty

The user managed to get their account back, although other users haven't been so lucky.

Another Reddit user admitted: 'My Netflix was just canceled. They said it was due to unusual activity.

'I was using a Turkish account from Australia. They are clamping down on those who use VPNs to get cheap subscriptions.'

Additionally, one other Reddit user pointed out that the company is basically 'digging itself a hole with cancellations like this.'

On the contrary, some users agree with Netflix's stance, arguing that regional prices are 'there for a reason' and 'shouldn't be exploited.'

The streaming giant has also been cracking down on password and account sharing as a lot of members try to avoid paying for Netflix's increased prices.

Subscribers are allowed to add an extra member to their subscription plan for an extra $7.99 (£5.99) a month - which used to be free.

The result of this enforcement has caused a lot of loyal members to turn to other streaming services like Amazon, Disney+ or Paramount.

Featured Image Credit: NurPhoto / Contributor / Nanci Santos / Getty