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YouTuber spends a day in zero gravity trying to complete his daily routine to see if an ‘average person’ could live in space

YouTuber spends a day in zero gravity trying to complete his daily routine to see if an ‘average person’ could live in space

He even played gravity-free ping pong.

A man has spent a day living with zero gravity to see if it’s possible for average people to go about their daily lives in space.

YouTuber Jack Gordon documented his experiment for his viewers as he attempted to complete his daily routine without any gravity.

He filmed himself trying to brush his teeth and drink water while floating around a plane.

Talking to the camera, Gordon says: “I'm going to try to drink coffee with zero gravity. It was completely impossible. It just kept oozing out of the lid.”

Gordon goes on to try eating dinner, working out by doing a series of push-ups and even sleeping on a Zero G plane.

The aircraft is able to produce a gravity-free environment onboard for short bursts at a time by alternating upward and downward arcs in the flight.

It doesn’t come cheap and the YouTuber admits to his viewers that he spent a whopping $20,000 to hire the plane.

Jack Gordon played a game of zero gravity ping pong (YouTube/@JackGordon)
Jack Gordon played a game of zero gravity ping pong (YouTube/@JackGordon)

To get his money’s worth, Gordon attempts a game of gravity-free ping pong using water as a ball - a bizarre experiment which he reveals “actually worked”.

Baffled by his antics, people took to the YouTube comment section to share their views, with one user posting: “Nah this is actually so sick! Gotta play basketball next time.”

Another wrote: “That looks fun! My only question is how he disabled gravity.”

And a third added: “I literally clicked the video only to see how you did it without getting into orbit. Falling for 30 seconds at a time sounds like a legit solution lol.”

The YouTuber attempted to sleep without any gravity (YouTube/@JackGordon)
The YouTuber attempted to sleep without any gravity (YouTube/@JackGordon)

However, others were more critical of Gordon’s experiment, with one user commenting: “The fact that this is almost not even the same as being in space.”

And another added: “Planes don’t really make you fly like in space. You can stay still in space unlike on a plane where you’d get “pushed” or “moved” around.”

While the gravity-free life is likely to be calmer in space, it’s certainly something the average person would need to adjust to, and ending his flight, Gordon plans to keep his feet on solid ground by taking a much needed break at the beach.

Zero-gravity in the plane is likely a different experience than in space (VICTOR HABBICK VISIONS/Getty)
Zero-gravity in the plane is likely a different experience than in space (VICTOR HABBICK VISIONS/Getty)

Ending his video, Gordon said: “I honestly find it so interesting that nobody actually knows why gravity exists. I don't know for myself but what I do know is that we need to be thankful for it because life would be so uncomfortable without gravity.

“But to answer the question, no, the average person apparently cannot live in space.”

Featured Image Credit: Jack Gordon/YouTube