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YouTuber builds the world's first invisible PC setup and it's absolutely insane

YouTuber builds the world's first invisible PC setup and it's absolutely insane

People can't believe this is possible.

YouTubers have done some pretty interesting and bizarre things in the name of content.

The internet celebrities have been known to explore secret tunnels and even spend a day in zero gravity to show their viewers how the average person could live in space.

Some videos give us an insight into what the future of computers could look like and that is what one YouTuber has done just that with an incredible setup that has people baffled.

The video, made by Basically Homeless, has over four million views, where he shows how he built the world’s first invisible PC setup.

The YouTuber, whose real name is Nick Zetta, states in the intro: “Everyone wants the cleanest setup, in fact some people have gone as far to say that they have the cleanest setup.

“I decided I have to end this once and for all. I've got to make a setup so clean that it's literally invisible.”

First, Zetta disassembled a laptop to just the motherboard which he fixed into a desk.

The YouTuber built the world's first invisible PC setup (YouTube/@BasicallyHomeless)
The YouTuber built the world's first invisible PC setup (YouTube/@BasicallyHomeless)

To make the mouse invisible, Zetta said: “I made a computer science team write a program that detects the location of my fingers and hand using a depth sensing camera - this was actually insane, this was insane - that's hidden within a lamp.”

The next step was the keyboard, which the YouTuber was able to make by cutting a hole in the desk and embedding a keyboard inside using liquid plastic resin.

Then Zetta came up against what seemed like an impossible task.

He added: “The thing about the screen is you can't actually make it invisible because you want to be able to see it. Seen but invisible.”

Zetta went on to add: “I hollowed out a spot for a projector, a one inch projector, that fits inside the desk and it reflects off of a mirror onto this optically clear piece of polycarbonate with a very expensive nanoparticle film that stops the image in the air for a levitating hologram screen.”

Finishing his invisible PC setup, the YouTuber decided to try it out by playing Minecraft, hovering his hand over the invisible mouse to move his avatar in the game.

Nick Zetta embedded the computer into the desk to make the cleanest setup ever (YouTube/@BasicallyHomeless)
Nick Zetta embedded the computer into the desk to make the cleanest setup ever (YouTube/@BasicallyHomeless)

Viewers have been blown away by how skilfully Zetta was able to put the kit together.

Taking to the YouTube comment section, one user posted: “This man actually made what people in the 60’s thought we’d have by now.”

A second said: “You officially have the cleanest PC setup on the Internet. Congratulations man!”

A third added: “I'm saying this with 100% honesty. I have watched countless build videos or various projects on YouTube. And this blows them all out of the water. This is singlehandedly the best project video on YouTube.”

And a fourth commented: “Imagine raging in a videogame and then not knowing where is safe to slam your fist on the desk in frustration.”

It's the world’s first invisible PC setup and definitely wins top prize for the cleanest.

Featured Image Credit: Basciallyhomeless/ YouTube