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YouTubers explore secret tunnels under city that lead them to 'disturbing sights' in eerie abandoned prison

YouTubers explore secret tunnels under city that lead them to 'disturbing sights' in eerie abandoned prison

The group came across bullets, cells and burnt-out vehicles.

Urban explorers went trekking and found more than they bargained for with mannequin parts and burnt-out cars.

A group of friends, who claimed they were three hours from their home, were seen heading into a slew of abandoned buildings through a series of tunnels in a YouTube video.

They ended up in 'one of the creepiest situations [they've] ever been in,' and even stumble across what they think is an abounded prison.

After traveling deeper through the underground walkways they eventually came across an abandoned office area featuring paperwork dated from 2008.

“That’s not that old is it?” the explorers queried. “You got the people in isolation segregation, they had a lot of people in this building.”

Travelling further into the building, the group came across toilets, a control room and later arrived back outside before entering another building.

In this second building, the team eerily found bullets strewn across the floor before travelling through high-ceilinged empty spaces that gave off a very ‘creepy’ feeling.


Later on in the video, the camera panned to three burnt-out cars and the cameraman remarked that ‘someone had been partying here hardcore’.

The team then headed into another lot where they discovered clothed parts of a mannequin’s body.

Lying on the floor was a plastic arm in a green sleeve and a torso wearing a pair of blue jeans.

“What on earth!,” the YouTuber exclaimed. “Yeah that got me, that is the spookiest thing I have ever seen.”

After heading back through tunnels, the group discovered another building which appeared to still be hooked up to the main energy grid.

“It looks very, very rundown but the lights are still on,” the camera person explained.


After hurtling through the rooms, the team eventually opened up another door which led them to a pristine corridor, making them second-guess what kind of place they were exploring

They queried whether the venue could have been a hospital, a jail or had been run as an office block back in the day.

Regardless, the final corridors were apparently too much for the team, as one of them could be heard saying: “Air conditioner is running, man this is sketch we might want to split.”

After the group retreated and the 25-minute long YouTube video came to an end, viewers flocked to the comments section to have their say.

One social media user wrote: “This is some Epic Urban exploring! Great exploring alternative when you're not in the woods. Keep the videos coming!”

A second said: “It's refreshing seeing people explore an abandoned building without pretending there's ghosts in it.”

“The moment you walked into the nice clean hospital part it reminded me of Resident Evil, just going through a old location just to end up into a nice clean lab, honestly really cool and creepy,” typed a third viewer.

Another said: “It always amazes me that humanity built massive steam architecture like this… and then just… abandoned it. All that digging and all that concrete… now for nothing.”

A fifth wrote: “This is literally the best channel I've ever found on YouTube! I LOVE IT.”

Featured Image Credit: ActionAdventureTwins / YouTube