The tragic story of Elliot Eastman is back in the spotlight, as one YouTuber has covered the shocking kidnap and murder of the 26-year-old American.
Eastman had moved from the USA to the Philippines, and after posting a number of concerning videos saying he felt 'unsafe' in the country's 'red zone', it appears Eastman predicted his own demise.
YouTube account Coffeehouse Crime has covered Eastman's final video, kidnap, and murder.
Although Elliot’s YouTube channel only took off at the start of 2024, it grew in popularity as he showed himself adjusting to life in the Philippines. Due to his feelings of unease, he apparently visited a shaman, and it's here he met his wife - a Sama-Sibuco native.
After a brief return to the USA for work, Eastman tried to settle into the municipality of Sibuco, Zamboanga del Norte.
Eastman's YouTube page explains how he lived 'deep in the mountains' of the dangerous red zone and adds: "I will be showing you my day to day life as the first and only foreigner to have ever lived here in sibuco for a long period of time. I am from the USA! 💪."
In one concerning video, Eastman's wife can be heard saying she's 'terrified' and doesn't want the pair to go anywhere alone. He also refers to it as 'a dangerous area' in another video, explaining how tourists don't visit there. Most worryingly, he makes several references to what would happen if he's kidnapped.
As Coffeehouse Crime notes: "Unfortunately, there are many many more examples of this sort of behavior from Elliot.
"The bottom line is that he was absolutely terrified about his own safety and well-being."
The channel also mentions how more than 40 Westerners had been kidnapped from the red zone in the past decade.
With some tragic foreshadowing, Eastman went silent across social channels on October 17, 2024. As he'd posted over 600 videos in 2024 alone, his silence was a cause of concern for his family and friends.
It was later determined that Eastman was shot in the leg and abdomen on October 17, with a group of men abducting him from his home and escaping via a motorized boat. At the time, local authorities said: "We confirm that there was a report of the alleged abduction of an American national."
As late as October 6, Eastman was posting videos where he claimed he was being followed, with 'dangerous people' potentially out to get him. The channel points out how Eastman's final video largely featured him in silence, answering the occasional question and saying there are 'some parts' he doesn't enjoy about the Philippines.
Two hours after Eastman posted that video, the men disguised as police officers reportedly approached his property.
Saying that his screaming wife was left behind, local police are said to have pursued the group before they escaped into the night. Despite the local mayor offering a $2,500 reward for information on Elliot's whereabouts, his body was never discovered.
Following a dramatic shootout with the police, one of the captured men confirmed the rumors that Eastman died from his gunshot wounds and was thrown into the Sulu Sea.
Concluding that while the case is somewhat closed, Coffeehouse Crime says that the lack of real closure makes Elliot Eastman's story a particularly harrowing one.