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UFO documentary filmed in secret expected to reveal 'biggest discovery in human history'

UFO documentary filmed in secret expected to reveal 'biggest discovery in human history'

Filmmakers interviewed people from NASA about extraterrestrial life

A UFO documentary that was filmed in secret is expected to reveal the ‘biggest discovery in human history’.

People have been claiming to have spotted a UFO flying through the sky for decades but tangible proof is pretty hard to come by.

While some conspiracy theorists argue that Area 51 is secretly housing aliens, others even claim that they have encountered extraterrestrial life themselves.

The documentary is set to reveal secrets about alien life (Ray Massey/Getty Images)
The documentary is set to reveal secrets about alien life (Ray Massey/Getty Images)

But one documentary claims that it will put rumors to bed as it is set to reveal the ‘biggest discovery’ in history.

Titled The Age of the Disclosure, the doc includes interviews with 34 past and present high-ranking members of the US government, intelligence and military.

In the description of the upcoming doc, it reads: “The film was granted unprecedented access and support from senior members of the US government, military and intelligence community.

“The film exposes the profound impact the situation has on the future of humanity, while providing a look behind the scenes with those at the forefront of the bipartisan disclosure effort.”

Participants in the documentary include a former Department of Defense official and a member of the government’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, Luis Elizondo, New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, the ex director of the US government’s UAP task force, Jay Stratton, NASA UAP Study Team member, Mike Gold, former director of National Intelligence, General Jim Clapper and Admiral Tim Gallaudet, who is a former Navy Chief Oceanographer.

The project is said to have been made in secret over two years and, while it is not yet known where it will be aired, the filmmakers are in talks for distribution plans.

The documentary will debut in March this year at the South by Southwest Film Festival.

The documentary was made in secret over two years (gremlin/Getty Images)
The documentary was made in secret over two years (gremlin/Getty Images)

The number of claims of UFO sightings has grown over the years and just last month, a flight crew said they witnessed a UFO ‘zigzagging’ through the air as their plane headed for Florida.

They described glowing orbs that apparently darted through the sky above the Bahamas.

One flight attendant recalled how the two orbs appeared to change color from white to green lights, adding that they seemed to be bathed in ‘electric energy’.

Talking to NBC News about the event, Cassandra Martin revealed that air traffic control also saw the unidentified object, adding: “It started as white and then it just got green and almost like an electric some type of energy around it.”

Perhaps the documentary will shed some light on similar events!

Featured Image Credit: Ray Massey/gremlin/Getty Images