A former Pentagon official lifted the lid on his claims as to why the government apparently doesn’t want the public to know about UFOs.
Scientists are still in search of any significant evidence of alien life but some conspiracy theorists believe we’ve already found it.
Some say that the government is keeping this discovery under wraps and one former official has shared his own thoughts on the matter.
Luis Elizondo is the former head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) that operated within the Pentagon.
He sat down with Steven Bartlett for an episode of his podcast, Diary of a CEO.
There, Elizondo shared some shocking claims about why the government is keeping UFOs a secret.
The video was posted to YouTube, with the description reading: “Are we alone in the universe? If we aren't, are we among friends or enemies? A former top U.S. official reveals the classified UFO secrets that the Pentagon has hidden for years.”
Explaining why people are reluctant to come forward about their own beliefs, Elizondo said: “I think it's a stigma, taboo. There’s several reasons but I think superficially, stigma [and] taboo.
“No one wants to be known as that UFO guy or gal.
“I get it you know, especially if you're a pilot because historically you'd be taken off flight status.
“You’d be put behind a desk and you'd fly a desk the rest of your career because people think you're mentally unstable.

“It could affect your security clearance, I mean there's all sorts of things that can happen and so people were being reinforced not to report this information.”
During the interview, Bartlett asked Elizondo: “Do the US government in the Pentagon generally want people to believe that UFOs or UAPs (unidentified anomalous phenomena) exist or not?”
The former Pentagon official replied: “I think it's both. I think up until recently nobody wanted to have this conversation, the problem is the government backed itself up after 70 years of denial into a corner and it has to figure a way out.”
He added: “There are still elements unfortunately in the Pentagon that don't want this conversation to occur and they will continue doing what they can to discredit individuals and launch this campaign against them.”
One reason, Elizondo said, stems from the aftermath of World War II when he said that ‘as we started developing the atomic weapons, we started releasing a lot of UFOs over our controlled military airspace and over our research facilities’.
He went on to suggest that the US government wanted to avoid enemy nations getting their hands on the technology.