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Expert reveals the two countries you should go to if nuclear war breaks out

Expert reveals the two countries you should go to if nuclear war breaks out

The expert has shared where you need to go to be one of the three billion survivors in the event of a nuclear attack

An expert has revealed the two countries you’d want to go to in the event of a nuclear war breaking out.

Annie Jacobsen is an investigative journalist and New York Times bestselling author, and her most recent book titled Nuclear War: A Scenario, walks through a detailed explanation of what would happen if a rogue state launched a nuclear attack.

Jacobsen says that, other than an asteroid strike, nuclear war is the single scenaro that could end civilization and the world as we know it.

She sat down for an interview with Steven Bartlett on his podcast, The Diary of a CEO, where she gave insight into what would happen and more importantly, what we should do if a nuclear strike happens.

What will happen immediately after a nuclear attack?

Reading out an excerpt from her new book which illustrates the immediate aftermath of an attack, Bartlett said: “A thousand American cities and towns where all engineered structures in five six or seven miles radius change physical shapes, collapse and burn.

“A thousand cities and towns with molten asphalt streets, a thousand cities and towns with survivors impaled to death by flying debris, a thousand cities and towns filled with tens of millions of dead people, with tens of millions of unfortunate survivors suffering fatal third degree burns.”

An expert has detailed what would happen in the event of a nuclear war (YouTube/@TheDiaryOfACEO)
An expert has detailed what would happen in the event of a nuclear war (YouTube/@TheDiaryOfACEO)

Where is safe during nuclear war?

According to Jacobsen, around five billion people would die in a nuclear strike, leaving three billion still alive.

She said: “Where shall I go to be one of the three billion? I was just in New Zealand and Australia, that's exactly where you'd go.”

She went on to add: “I pulled up a map and I was trying to see how far away I was from everything I was thinking if because World War III… I was thinking if if it does break out now I think I'm pretty well placed.”

With Australia and New Zealand being pretty isolated from the rest of the world, those countries will have the advantage of facing minimal effects from nuclear war.

Annie Jacobsen warns of the impact a nuclear war would have on our civilization (YouTube/@TheDiaryOfACEO)
Annie Jacobsen warns of the impact a nuclear war would have on our civilization (YouTube/@TheDiaryOfACEO)

Jacobsen said: “Most of the world, certainly the mid latitudes, would be covered in sheets of ice, the freshwater bodies and places like Iowa and Ukraine would be just snow for 10 years and so agriculture would fail and when agriculture fails people just die.

“on top of that you have the radiation poisoning because the o-zone layer will be so damaged and destroyed that you can't be outside in the sunlight and so people will be forced to live underground and so you have to imagine people living underground fighting for food everywhere except for in New Zealand and Australia.”

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/@TheDiaryOfACEO/Anton Petrus/Getty