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The geopolitical landscape looks like a warzone right now, and it's not just the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict that has us worried about what's on the way. As President Donald Trump continues to try and broker a peace deal between both sides, it doesn't look like Russia's President Vladimir Putin is willing to back down anytime soon.
On the other side, we've got America trying to secure a lucrative mineral deal with Ukraine. That's easier said than done, and in the aftermath of a disastrous meeting between Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, peace seems like it couldn't be further away.
Added to this, there have been rumblings of a potential World War III, with Putin claiming he could dip into Russia's impressive nuclear arsenal and potentially trigger a global catastrophe.
America is already said to be one of the most dangerous places in the world to be if the bombs stop dropping, and while things hopefully won't come to that, there's a real chance that US citizens could be drafted into the POTUS' mythical WWIII.
Speaking to The Ingraham Angle's Laura Ingraham after a phone call where Putin reportedly rejected the US' ceasefire proposals, Trump warned: "Right now, you have a lot of guns pointing at each other and a cease-fire without going a little bit further would have been tough.
“Russia has the advantage, as you know they have encircled about 2,500 [Ukrainian] soldiers. They’re nicely encircled and that’s not good."
As for things escalating, Trump explained: "Look, we’re doing this – there are no Americans involved. There could be if you end up in World War III over this, which is so ridiculous. But, you know, strange things happen."
With the Doomsday Clock being closer to midnight than ever before, there are obvious concerns that we're on the brink of war and whether Americans will be drafted into WWIII.
The USA has drafted soldiers through the Selective Service System (SSS) since 1917, and with some 1.9 million being called to fight in the Vietnam War between 1954 and 1975, we're right to be worried that we'll have to answer the call.
In terms of who’ll be called forward, the SSS has previously used a random lottery based on dates of birth. In 2025, all male citizens between the ages of 18 and 25 are required to register for the draft, with those failing to do so being liable for a maximum fine of $250,000. There has been talk of expanding the requirement to include women, although nothing has been passed.
The SSS' mission statement reads: "To register men and maintain a system that, when authorized by the President and Congress, rapidly provides personnel in a fair and just manner while managing an alternative-service program for conscientious objectors."
There are some exemptions, including ministers and 'certain' elected officials as long as they continue to hold office. Veterans are also typically exempt from service during a peacetime draft, while immigrants and dual nationals might be exempt depending on their country of citizenship.
Those in higher education can apply for a postponement, as well as those with a serious illness or death in the immediate family. Potential drafters can also apply for a deferment if they’re a ministerial student or the sole provider for a family.
The list is rounded off by those who are medically unfit and conscientious objectors who reject war on moral or religious grounds.
Considering the last draft was held in 1973, many have argued the guidelines are outdated and in need of modernization. Still, as things continue to heat up and world leaders gather around their various red buttons, here's hoping World War III can be put on ice.