The United States could finally be lifting the lid on some of its biggest secrets in 2025, with the inner workings of Area 51 ready to be exposed.
All those little green aliens should be running for the hills by now. Although the CIA didn't acknowledge Area 51's existence until 2013, it's been in operation as a highly classified United States Air Force facility since 1955.
Nestled within the Nevada Test and Training Range, Area 51 has led to some of the country’s biggest conspiracy theories.
In an unearthed documentary with aviation journalist Jim Goodall, 2025 is an important date to make a note of.
Speaking in 1999, Goodall said there's top-secret technology within Area 51 that 'would make George Lucas envious.'

Discussing Area 51, Goodall explained how he's spoken to first-hand sources and said: "One gentleman spent 12 of his 30 years in black programs at Groom Lake [another name for Area 51]."
Goodall continued: "I asked him, 'Can you really tell me what's happening out there?' and he said, 'Well, there's a lot of things going on there that I won't be able to tell you until the year 2025.'"
It's thought that 2025 is important because it relates to an executive order by Bill Clinton, establishing a 25-year limit on the 'automatic declassification' of government secrets'. Area 51 could be among the many supposedly top-secret projects that could soon be exposed to the world.
Speaking to a 'safety specialist' and US Air Force chief master sergeant who had reportedly worked at Area 51, the specialist apparently told Goodall: "We have things out there that are literally out of this world… better than Star Trek or anything you can see in the movies."
After Goodall repeatedly asked the source if they believed in UFOs, the specialist reportedly looked at him and said: "Absolutely. Positively. They do exist."
Goodall says he asked if they could expand on it, but they simply said, "No, I can't."
From a vantage point in the Nevada desert, Goodall himself claims he’s seen glimpses of 'exotic craft' that he struggled to explain.
Highlighting a stealth and electronic warfare aircraft referred to as 'Excalibur', he also talks about a craft that's able to fly really high but remains incredibly quiet.
Mentions of three silent triangle-shaped vehicles and a 'very large aircraft' the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has been tracking since 1986 are sure to pique our interest.
The interview has become relevant again due to the ongoing mystery of the SUV-sized drones that continue to be spotted above New Jersey.
Unfortunately, we might not get the answers we want in 2025, with Goodall speaking to Las Vegas TV news in 2019. Saying how it's much harder to get a glimpse at Area 51 nowadays, Goodall admitted: "That veil is pretty thick today. The security around Area 51 is thicker than we've ever seen."
This suggests that we won't be getting a peek inside just yet, which lines up with Ben Rich, the late director of Lockheed Martin's classified Skunk Works division, saying it would be 50 years from the '90s until the real secrets are revealed. Oh well, we'd better mark 2040 in our diaries.