It looks like Pornhub will soon be blocked in 13 states in the US.
The NSFW site is one of the largest pornography websites in the world but that might all change.
Pornhub recently released its ‘Year in Review’, which reflected on the sort of content people have been viewing in 2024.
This included some of the most searched categories, including most looked for movie characters and video games.
It also revealed the age bracket most likely to visit the site.
In a press release, Pornhub said: “The 18-24 age group made up the biggest portion of traffic, with 27% of all traffic falling into that category. Following closely behind was the 25-34 age group, which accounted for 24% of all traffic.
“Together, the 18 to 35 group makes up over half of Pornhub’s visitors, even after giving up -2 percentage points in 2024 to the over 35 crowd.”
However, those statistics might have changed by the end of next year.
This is because the site is set to be banned in 13 states across the country.
On December 18, the Florida Legislature passed HB 3 - a law that will require age verification for anyone trying to access pornographic sites. It will come into force on January 1.
As well as anonymous and standard age verification be put in place on adult sites, the law will see the state Department of Legal Affairs fine websites as much as $50,000 if they fail to comply with the new regulations.
Speaking about Florida’s intentions of banning Pornhub in the state, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said earlier this year when the bill was first signed into law: “You can have a kid in the house safe, seemingly, and then you have predators that can get right in there into your own home.
“You could be doing everything right but they know how to get and manipulate these different platforms.”
Aylo, the parent company of Pornhub, has since released a statement. It read, as per People: “Any regulations that require hundreds of thousands of adult sites to collect significant amounts of highly sensitive personal information is putting user safety in jeopardy.
“Moreover, as experience has demonstrated, unless properly enforced, users will simply access non-compliant sites or find other methods of evading these laws.”
While Florida residents have until New Years Day to access the adult site, other states have already banned Pornhub.
States that have banned Pornhub
- Kentucky
- Indiana
- Idaho
- Kansas
- Nebraska
- Texas
- North Carolina
- Montana
- Mississippi
- Virginia
- Arkansas
- Utah