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Scientist reveals 'proof' that we're all characters living in an advanced AI world

Scientist reveals 'proof' that we're all characters living in an advanced AI world

The expert believes that the Bible unlocks answers to a virtual reality world

A scientist has revealed ‘proof’ that we’re all living in a simulation in an advanced AI world.

According to an expert, we’re all just characters inside a pretty convincing virtual reality, not unlike The Matrix.

Melvin Vopson is an associate professor in physics at the University of Portsmouth and he claims that our whole universe is nothing more than an advanced computer simulation.

An expert claims that we are living in a virtual reality (Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty Images)
An expert claims that we are living in a virtual reality (Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty Images)

In fact, proof of this could be found in a very well known book… the Bible.

Speaking to MailOnline, Vopson said: “The bible itself tells us that we are in a simulation and it also tells us who is doing it. It is done by an AI – an artificial intelligence.”

According to Vopson, this is evident in the Gospel of John, one of the first four books of the New Testament.

It opens with: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

Vopson claims that this has ‘deep theological significance in Christian doctrine’ but also has ‘intriguing implications’ in the context of a simulated universe, arguing that ‘the Word’ actually refers to a computer code that controls the simulation.

He went on to say: “The code running the simulation is not separate from the divine, but rather an integral part of it, perhaps an AI.”

The Gospel of John says: “All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made…”

This is a line that the professor believes supports his theory.

The professor says that the world could be entirely computer generated (imaginima/Getty Images)
The professor says that the world could be entirely computer generated (imaginima/Getty Images)

Vopson continued: “It implies a Creator who brought the simulated universe into existence through the Word (i.e. the code).

“It suggests that the act of creation, as described in the Bible, could be analogous to a divine act of programming and simulation.”

And it isn’t only the Bible where Vopson is hunting for clues.

He also believes that there is proof found in the way our world is - such as the fact that there’s limits to how fast light and sound can travel, which he says could be programmed by a computer.

Vopson said: “What is truly remarkable is that the interpretation given is fully aligned to the events of our times: the emergence of the AI, and also it is exactly what The Matrix was projecting.”

He added: “This perspective aligns with religious beliefs that hold human life to be meaningful and purposeful, even within the context of a larger design.

“Instead of viewing the simulated universe hypothesis as antagonistic to religious beliefs, one can see it as offering a complementary perspective.”

Featured Image Credit: Andriy Onufriyenko/lupengyu/Getty Images