Fears are growing around a possible nuclear war
It's the last place you'd expect to find one of those
Experts wonder what this means for global warming
One of the world's largest cities is home to 32,000,000 people and you've probably never heard of it
The mega city has a cyberpunk aesthetic
Niagara Falls has a pretty morbid history
The town has been left abandoned for 13 years
The region is so dangerous that some people fly over it and have their car shipped
The tiny island is the size of a football field but is home to over 800 people
East Africa could eventually form its own continent
It takes over 18 hours to reach its destination
A specialist rescue team took seven hours to free her
The micronation has got so much history behind it
Ian Usher managed to complete 94 goals while traveling the world
He warned that if his back is turned, his stuff goes missing
Who knows what could lie behind...
They believed they found the 'most important piece of the puzzle'
Rising sea levels could submerge these major cities
There are some heartbreaking changes to our planet that are noticeable in the images
The ancient shopping list found in Turkey details a bizarre purchase
He spent years revamping the tropical island while enjoying snorkelling and swimming every day
One YouTuber bravely visited the island to find out more
Researchers say the skeleton of the new dinosaur is the most complete one found in Europe
A YouTuber explored the ghost town that was meant to house a million people
The operating system strangely resembles Mac OS