First impressions count, right?
We judge attraction based on things like looks, clothes, and hairstyle.
But all that could change in an instant depending on what smartphone you own.
At least that's what one video discovered after it quizzed women on whether a man's preference of a smartphone affected their level of attraction to him.
And women didn't hold back their bold opinions.

In the TikTok video, the interviewer asked women how they viewed the attractiveness of men after finding out they owned an Android device.
One woman bluntly inquired, 'Are you broke? Like, how can you not afford an Apple?'
Upon imagining that a highly attractive man owned an Android, another woman - without hesitation - downgraded his attractiveness rating from a perfect '10' to a mere '3'. Furthermore, a different respondent went even further, assigning a harsh '0'.
One woman dismissed the idea of a potential partner due to the 'terrible' quality of Instagram photos from an Android device. Whilst another abruptly remarked: 'if you don't have an iPhone, you're a nerd'.
Some women even admitted they wouldn't consider a potential partner who didn't use iMessage, dismissing the idea of switching to 'green' messages or WhatsApp as a deal-breaker.
The responses to the video were quick to share their thoughts, and you can imagine it caused a little uproar.

Non-iPhone users responded with statements like 'I will never date a iPhone girl' and 'Guess I'll be single for the rest of my life. Thank the Lord.'
Others didn't agree with Apple devices being more expensive than Android, saying: '...and who said Samsung is cheap.'
However, women disagreed with the video in the comments arguing that they don't share the same beliefs, like 'If he’s a 10 and has an android, he’s still a 10 to me' whilst another confessed 'I’m iphone user but honestly this is too shallow.'
On the outside of the argument, others criticised the superficial nature of the responses.
One commented: 'Are we The shallow in today’s society that we’re not going to date someone based on what cell phone they use'.
Whilst another replied: 'shows what type of people we have in today's day and age.'
Unfortunately, it seems your smartphone may not be your wingman, and may be causing a dealbreaker for your dates. Or, on the other hand, it may have saved you from future trivial arguments.
As the smartphone rivalry persists, we're yet to see if Android users hold the same biases against iPhone owners.