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Men are 'raw-dogging' flights in the latest travel trend of the summer

Men are 'raw-dogging' flights in the latest travel trend of the summer

This is pushing people to their limits.

The new trend to ‘raw-dog’ flights has spread across social media… and it’s not what you might think.

There’s nothing worse than boarding a long flight and realizing you forgot to download episodes from your favorite Netflix show, or that you don’t have the right headphones to make the most of the in-flight movies available.

For many of us, the idea of spending hours at a time stuck in your seat with no entertainment to cure the boredom is like torture.

The goal is to get through the flight without any modern comforts (skynesher/Getty)
The goal is to get through the flight without any modern comforts (skynesher/Getty)

But that’s not the case for those who are taking up this latest craze.

Especially popular among men, the trend means that the plane passenger doesn’t use any modern comforts to get them through the flight.

No snacking, binge-watching films and no sleeping is allowed if you’re ‘raw-dogging’ it.

The goal is to get through the journey by either staring at the in-flight map or looking at nothing at all during long haul trips.

People are pushing themselves to their limits (TikTok/@oiwudini)
People are pushing themselves to their limits (TikTok/@oiwudini)

The bizarre phenomenon has been credited loosely to the Apple TV+ series Hijacked, where the character Sam, played by Idris Elba, has to endure more than seven hours from Dubai to London after the plane gets taken over by criminals.

People partaking in ‘raw-dogging’ flights aim to push themselves to their limits by seeing how long they can deprive themselves of comforts - even refusing to take bathroom breaks on lengthy flights.

The craze is the latest travel trend of the summer (TikTok/@wunderfullymichelle)
The craze is the latest travel trend of the summer (TikTok/@wunderfullymichelle)

A UK-based DJ named Wudini (@oiwudini) took to TikTok to share his own personal best, posting: “Just raw-dogged a 7-hour flight.”

His video has over 13 millions views and he went on to add: “No headphones, no movie, no water, nothing.

“Incredible. The power of my mind knows no bounds.”

Another TikToker named Michelle (@wunderfullymichelle) shared a clip from her five-hour flight from New York City to San Francisco where she wrote: “I have never seen so many people raw-dogging a flight in my life.

“Literally just staring straight ahead the entire time?”

She added: “Have I become an iPad kid…”

The 'raw-dogging' trend isn't just for men (TikTok/@therealjohannariehm)
The 'raw-dogging' trend isn't just for men (TikTok/@therealjohannariehm)

However, ‘raw-dogging flights’ isn’t just for men. One TikToker user, Johanna Riehm (@therealjohannariehm), revealed to her followers that she also takes part.

On the app, she posted: ““My beige flag is that I like to raw dog flights. I sit there in silence with my thoughts and just watch the little GPS plane.”

The trend seems to only be growing in popularity, with one X user posting: “Going to raw-dog this flight to Delhi with no earphones and no music that helps me arrive in style. “Just 9-12 hours of unadulterated reality. Unless I cheat and watch some in-flight movies.”

Featured Image Credit: Marco Bottigelli/skynesher/Getty