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Unseen 9/11 footage captures shocked reactions of passengers on board a flight as they're told about the attacks

Unseen 9/11 footage captures shocked reactions of passengers on board a flight as they're told about the attacks

The distressed looks of passengers have been captured on video

Just over two weeks before the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, footage before and during the tragedy has been shared across social media.

One video that was originally recorded by a man named Frank Pizzo in 2001 captures the reactions of passengers on a grounded plane as they hear the pilot's announcement.

The clip, recently shared by Morbid Knowledge on X (formerly Twitter) shows the chatter come to an abrupt silence when the tragic news was said.

The video was captioned: 'Video footage taken from a plane on September 11, 2001, captures the initial reactions of passengers as they learn about the attacks.'

'At least three aircrafts have been hijacked in the United States,' the pilot said. 'Two of which were hijacked in the New York area and they were driven into the World Trade Center Towers.'

He continued: 'They destroyed both towers. Both towers have completely collapsed.

'Another aircraft was hijacked, believed to be a US Air plane and that was blown up and destroyed over the ocean.'

The footage captures the shocked and worried faces of the passengers. One particular scene shows a woman holding her toddler, visibly distressed by the news.

'The Pentagon was attacked with a helicopter loaded with explosives,' the pilot reported.

The video clip has reached almost 20 million views and was also shared on popular internet forum Reddit where viewers reacted with a mix of shock and reflection of the event.

Zach Miles/Unsplash
Zach Miles/Unsplash

'Pretty amazing footage to see so many years later...,' the first user replied.

'I can remember flying many a time when some crazy delays happened. That joking tone between passengers before the pilot got on the intercom to explain what was happening was very familiar. Hard to imagine what it would have been like to hear that news ...'

Another commented: 'Sent chills up my spine'.

One user recalled his experience of the event: 'I remember some of the word of mouth Info that came out that day and they had me believe dc was destroyed. NY was destroyed. I turned on the news and didn't stop watching until I had to work again.'

Another video from that day resurfaced of former US President George W. Bush's reaction to the news whilst he was reading to a classroom full of children.

Featured Image Credit: Frank Pizzo/CTTV