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Scary reason why flight attendants sit on their hands during flight

Scary reason why flight attendants sit on their hands during flight

There's a very specific reason why flight attendants do this.

Ever noticed that when flight attendants take their seats in the cabin for takeoff or landing, they sit with their hands tucked under their legs?

It's the sort of detail that might well have just passed you by, but some people might have wondered why on Earth that small technique is required - since it's one used by a lot of airlines around the world.

Well, thankfully there's a TikTok video to explain it - from creator _hennylim_, who works as a flight attendant herself.

The video explains that flight attendants tend to assume what's called the 'brace position' during takeoff and landing - with their feet flat on the floor and their hands under their legs.

This basically means that in the event of a crash landing or any other emergency, the attendants' bodies are braced in a way that could help them avoid damage or further injury.

Of course, the safety belts and buckles that they secure themselves with are also pretty key in that equation, just like they are for passengers, but it's still interesting to know why they sit on their hands.

As one comment under the video noted, it's a little eerie to realise that every flight attendant is positioned with a crash in mind whenever a flight lands, though: "Good info. Always preparing for a crash is scary though."

Henny's TikTok channel is full of other videos where she debunks myths about air travel or explains little details about planes that we might take for granted.

One, for example, takes a look at the tiny little hole on the bottom of airplane windows, and clarifies that it's called a 'bleed hole', and exists to help balance the cabin pressure compared to the outside air. It also helps stop frost or condensation from blocking your view, which is pretty good when you want to peer out at the landscape below.

Another interesting video showcases the photoluminescent strips that light up if the aircraft's cabin loses power, to guide people to emergency exits. The TikToker confirms that they have a separate power supply that lets them continue to work, even in the event of the main power systems failing.

These sorts of little demonstrations aren't necessarily groundbreaking, but they answer the sort of small questions that you'd probably be too embarrassed to actually stop a flight attendant to ask while you're in the air and they're busy with their actual job.

Featured Image Credit: _hennylim_/TikTok