A bizarre isolated runway was spotted in the middle of the jungle on Google Maps and it has left people baffled.
It’s probably one of the last places you’d expect to see a runway but deep in the jungle of Brazil, that’s exactly what you’ll find.
But it begs the question - who uses it?

You wouldn’t be the only one to ask, after a screenshot of the bizarre sight was captured on Google Maps and uploaded to Reddit.
The poster asked: “Who would use this runway?” to which many users queried what the purpose of it could be.
Taking to the comment section, some people were more helpful than others, with one user joking: “A pilot.”
Another pondered if it could be a runway for a ‘drug smuggler’.
There’s a chance that the wild conspiracy theories aren’t completely baseless, after all, Pablo Escobar’s plane was found under the water in Norman’s Cay, the Bahamas, after it crash landed there.
The infamous drug lord was responsible for taking over 4,000 lives and despite the incident, people were too scared to touch the plane.
Even the local government feared him enough to steer clear of it, so the plane has been left to rot in the water.
A third user took to social media to share an even wilder theory, speculating: “I’m not saying aliens but..”

Not everyone let their imaginations run away with them as others offered more sensible explanations.
One person wrote: “Thinking out loud... ‘There has got to be a bunch of wealthy people paying Google to scrub their homes, helipads, runways, and shits off the public images’.”
While it’s a plausible theory, other people had different ideas, with one user suggesting: “In Brazil and my guess is if you panned out you would see the river breaking off into many smaller ones. Think of this as an Amazon hub for the Amazon. From this strip they can deliver goods to hundreds of small villages.”
However, it seems that people eventually got to the bottom of the mystery after one eagle-eyed user spotted a ‘fishing resort just to the north’.
Others seemed to agree that this could be the answer, with another adding: “River fishing guide?”
Finally, a third person provided some much-needed closure to the case, confirming once and for all who the runway belongs to.
They said: “The nearby fishing resort has a picture of the runway with their plane.”