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Tesla driver reveals what parking is like with 'terrible' feature on the new Model 3

Tesla driver reveals what parking is like with 'terrible' feature on the new Model 3

One driver doesn't pull any punches when talking about this feature.

Tesla has a cult following, but you know what they say: you can't please everyone.

There are some critics of Elon Musk's cutting-edge electric cars - like one TikToker, who is causing a stir for a very specific takedown.

Aussie car expert Paul Maric - who goes by @paulmaric - has posted a video talking about the parking sensors in the new Tesla Model 3.

"So they've removed actual parking sensors from the new Model 3 and the end result is a system that uses cameras alone and it is terrible," Maric said in a TikTok video, not mincing his words.

"It keeps thinking you're crashing into things even though there is literally nothing around you. So right now it's having a fit that I need to stop because I'm going to hit stuff, but there's literally nothing in front of me."

He ends the video with a plea: for Tesla to please bring back regular parking sensors.

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And it seems like other TikTokers have no problem jumping on the bandwagon, with one comment saying: "My Mustang doesn't have this problem. Hope this helps."

And someone else had a similar idea: "My VE Commodore with its 2 side mirrors and rear view mirror never fails."

But not everyone is so quick to take down Tesla.

"Mine works pretty good. But maybe that's also because I know how to park," one Tesla owner wrote, and another joked: "I got two parking sensors in the front of my head."

In fact, there could be a multitude of reasons explaining why Maric's sensors are going a bit off-piste.

In the Model 3 manual, Tesla says: "Several external factors can reduce the performance of the cameras, including a dirty or obstructed lens."

Stefan Gruber / Getty

Plus, plenty of people have jumped into the comments to point out that maybe Maric's sensors aren't working particularly well because it appears that he's parked up on grass - which is hardly where these types of cars are designed to go.

"Because you're on grass... it is made for on the road," one TikToker deadpanned.

"Maybe it doesn't want you to drive on the grass field," another agreed.

If you really wanted to test your Tesla's sensors - and you don't get spooked too easily - you could get involved in the creepy trend for driving through a cemetery, and seeing if your car detects 'ghosts' nearby.

Featured Image Credit: VCG / Contributor / NurPhoto / Contributor / Getty