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'Chilling' drunk driving simulation shows why you should never drink and drive

'Chilling' drunk driving simulation shows why you should never drink and drive

Staying safe when on the roads

One of the cardinal rules about getting behind the wheel is don't drink and drive. It's something we're taught long before we even think about getting our driving license, and yet, drink driving is a major problem across the globe.

Although different countries have different limits on how much you can legally consume before driving home, breaking the law can lead to some serious jail time.

Even if you can escape the long arm of the law, the dangers of drink driving to yourself, passengers, pedestrians, and others on the road should have you thinking before you have a sip.

When shocking footage shows off the horrors of drink driving, some won't drive if they've had so much as a drop of alcohol.

While we all know that person who say's they're 'fine' to drive home, numerous studies have proved that's not the case. No matter what you think your alcohol limits are, drink driving can seriously impair your reaction times.

Now, a drink driving simulator has shown what the effects of alcohol can have on your body and mind when under the influence.

The brainchild of Johnnie Walker, the 360° video aims to replicate the horrors of driving over the limit. As the average American spends 101 minutes in the car every day, that's a lot of hours on the road when added up over the course of a year - let alone a lifetime.

Saying that cars are where we make decisions that impact the rest of our lives, the harrowing video involves three groups of people involved in a multi-car pileup. As is typical with these things, the drunk driver if the one who survives.

Responding to the video, one said: "The drunk walks away with their life, and the innocent are the ones that die. That seems to be the case I regularly see in real life too."

It's important to stay safe behind the wheel (Alvaro Medina Jurado/Getty)
It's important to stay safe behind the wheel (Alvaro Medina Jurado/Getty)

Another lamented: "I'm a smart individual and whenever I make plans that involve drinking, I always make sure im either the DD or we have one so we can avoid situations like this."

A third concluded: "They should have a virtual driving experience like this for teenagers as they get their driver's license. It would be a nice lesson to learn before they are of legal age to drink."

There are other drink driving simulators out there, with several video game developers creating their own drink driving simulators. There's even the Arrive Alive Tour, which offers a simulator experience to replicate everything from distracted driving to driving under the influence of drugs.

Even if there are those still willing to try and bend the rules, there are plenty of people out there trying to remind us why we need to stay safe on the roads.

You don't always need that extra drink to enjoy yourself.

Featured Image Credit: Nicolas Micolani / Cavan Images / Getty