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Footage of Cybertruck launching up steep hill has left people seriously impressed

Footage of Cybertruck launching up steep hill has left people seriously impressed

Turns out Elon Musk's electric pickup has no problem off-roading.

Ever since they've started hitting the roads, Cybertrucks have divided opinion.

They've been the butt of many a joke, with people skewering the boxy design and eye-watering prices.

And yet there's a reason Tesla's pickups have an extremely long waiting list - it's become something of a cult vehicle.

And a new video showing off the car's capabilities has got everyone talking.

YouTube user Antonio Torres posted a video of a Cybertruck going off-road.

In a mountainous, rugged landscape, the truck races towards a rocky hill, which it glides up with seemingly no issue - although Torres does mention in the video's bio that it was the third try.

And people are seriously impressed in the comment section.

"Thought it might spin or slide on that last hump where momentum was lost - but it plowed right up," one YouTuber noted.

Another just can't wait to see where Tesla CEO Elon Musk will take Cybertrucks next: "And that's right out of the box. Wait until these start getting modified."

The video even made it to Twitter, with glowing comments including, "That's damn impressive", "Is this GTA6? I can't tell anymore", and, "That looks like a crazy hill. But the Cybertruck made it look easy."

But of course, you can't please everyone.

The Cybertruck seemed to glide up the difficult terrain with no problem.
Antonio Torres/ YouTube

On the YouTube video, one commenter was less than impressed: "Wippy-dippy...a 100k truck went up a dirt hill. For that money, I would hope it could."

It's true that the Cybertruck's price seems to be the vehicle's biggest sticking point.

Back in 2019, Tesla said the base model would start at $39,900 (£31,500), while the tri-motor, long-range model would be $69,900 (£55,200).

But by the time the trucks were actually available to buy, the price had rocketed.

There are three models of the Cybertruck: Tesla said a rear-wheel-drive version would start at an estimated $60,990 (£48,200), and the high-end 'Cyberbeast' might set you back around $99,990 (£79,000).

In fact, if you want to be one of the first people to get a top-range Cyberbeast, one Redditor has suggested it costs up to a frankly staggering $135,273.83 (£106,275.54).

It's a lot of money - but if you'd certainly turn heads in a Cybertruck if you did decide to take the plunge. Plus, it's always good to know it can actually manage difficult terrain when off-roading.

Featured Image Credit: Antonio Torres/ YouTube