A YouTuber decided to buy 100 items from scam ads and was left in shock by how well one particular product worked.
Ryan Trahan took one for the team and ordered all of those items we’ve always wanted to purchase but didn’t because they were from a dodgy ad.
Documenting his spending spree on his YouTube channel, Trahan tested gadgets ranging from a supposedly indestructible watch to webbing for your hands to make you swim faster.
While most of the products turned out to be, well, a scam - there was one that took the YouTuber by surprise.
In the video, Trahan said: “I have curated a list of the top 100 scammiest ads I have been served over the past six months and I bought them all but I did it to answer the age-old question: what if it's not a scam and it changes my life forever?”
Despite being scammed by things like a phone umbrella and a no stove hotpot machine, there was one item that blew Trahan away.
He continued: “Next up we have an auto door closer, dude this has seven likes, how did I get served this ad?”

The gadget automatically closes the door with what appears to be a retractable string.
Snapping up the product, Trahan said to the camera, “let’s see if I can even figure this out.”
Shocked that the device actually closed his door, he captioned the screen with, “this actually works so well LOL” before adding: “five stars, my mind is blown.”
Viewers were very entertained by Trahan’s video, with many taking to the YouTube comment section to share their reactions to the scam products.
One user wrote: “Ryan out here doing what we're all scared to do.”

Another said: “Thank you for this. It’s been a while since I’ve actually sat and laughed at someone.”
A third added: “Ryan is so skilled at getting scammed that only 15 of the 100 scams even showed up.”
Although some people insisted that other products work too, with one user writing: “The heating lunchbox works...but u gotta warm food for like 45mins :D as a truck driver it's a life changer, just gotta plan the eating before,” and another said: “The phone umbrellas are actually useful for riders. Saw one, it was raining so hard and I ordered food from grab/food panda. The food rider arrived and it was helpful for him to drive and navigate despite the rain.”