A man dropped his GoPro under the world’s most dangerous fishing pier and discovered what lies beneath.
YouTuber Brant Peacher uploaded the footage to his channel, AnglerUp with Brant, where he tested out dropping his camera into the depths of the pier to see what was lurking inside.
The results of which were terrifying.
In the clip, Peacher says: “I'm going to show you guys some pretty crazy stuff swimming around this pier and then we may try to catch whatever we're seeing.”
Lowering the GoPro into the water, schools of fish can be seen swimming past the lens before we catch a glimpse of a “giant tail”.
Peacher adds that “we’re gonna have to see if we can find out who the culprit is”.
Delving deeper, tiger sharks begin to appear as the YouTuber explains that the area is “covered” with the creatures.
Then, from what seems to be out of nowhere, when the camera rests on the seabed, a shark appears and collides head on with it.
“Woah,” Peacher comments, “He runs into my GoPro, that was crazy”.
Viewers of the video were stunned to see just how many sharks were found just a few feet from the end of the pier and many took to the YouTube comment section to share their reactions.
One user wrote: “These camera shots were absolutely spectacular. The bio mass of life under this pier is breathtaking. Awesome work.”

Another said: “I've heard that sharks bump to check things out. I'm glad none of them thought your camera seemed worth a test bite. Great footage!!”
A third person posted: “This is incredible. Coming from someone in the UK, it is amazing to see something that isn't a perch, bass, trout, puddle of oil, shopping cart, old boot.... what amazing wildlife. Still a massive nope fest from me. I'll just admire from afar.”
A fourth person shared their own experience, writing: “As someone who has jumped off of piers in my younger days... dang was I lucky!!” And a fifth agreed, adding: “Note to self: Never, EVER swim at this pier.”
And another user said: “I used to swim in the ocean a lot and would go out pretty far. The day a shark swam into me was the last day. Haven't been in the ocean since, lol. No idea what it was, however, it was a good 7-9 feet.
“Sharks are incredible creatures though.”