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Man who spent $14,000 to become a dog shows how he completes daily chores

Man who spent $14,000 to become a dog shows how he completes daily chores

He insists it's not a fetish.

Let’s face it, we’ve all said goodbye to our pets on a Monday morning and wished we could trade lives for a day.

Our dogs and cats get to lounge around in bliss with no bills to pay, Teams meetings to attend, or even household chores to finish at the end of the day, and it can make us a bit envious.

But would you drop thousands of dollars to turn yourself into man’s best friend? That’s exactly what one man did.

Based in Japan, a man known as Toco decided he’d had enough of dealing with the weight of human responsibility and has now transformed into a Collie.

Spending $14,000 on a custom-built costume, Toco explained in a viral clip that his obsession with being a dog, which he insists is not a fetish, stemmed from childhood.

“Do you remember your dreams from when you are little? You want to be a hero or a wizard,” he wrote.

Toco demonstrates how he uses his mouth to sweep the floor (YouTube/@I_want_to_be_an_animal)
Toco demonstrates how he uses his mouth to sweep the floor (YouTube/@I_want_to_be_an_animal)

“I remember writing in my grade school graduation book that I wanted to be a dog and walk outside. When I fulfilled that dream, this is how it turned out.”

Since then, he has begun uploading videos to YouTube to give shocked viewers a better understanding of how he goes about his life.

In his latest post on his channel that is very literally called ‘I want to be an animal’, Toco demonstrated just how he completes daily chores while wearing the hyper-realistic Collie suit.

The man-turned-dog shows himself wiping a table in his Collie costume (YouTube/@I_want_to_be_an_animal)
The man-turned-dog shows himself wiping a table in his Collie costume (YouTube/@I_want_to_be_an_animal)

In the video, Toco uses his mouth to sweep the floor and to pick up a bottle to place in the trash.

He records himself vacuuming with his front paws and even wiping down a table.

It’s a bizarre sight to see a dog performing these mundane human tasks and it’s left people divided in the comment section.

One horrified user wrote: “So creepy”, while another added: “The internet was a mistake.”

Some people find the dog costume 'creepy' (YouTube/@I_want_to_be_an_animal)
Some people find the dog costume 'creepy' (YouTube/@I_want_to_be_an_animal)

A third posted: “The suit makes me claustrophobic, how do you take it off? How do you go to the bathroom????”

Others were more sympathetic to Toco’s passion of being a dog, with one person writing: “Bro has wholesome intentions but has probably freaked a lot of people out!”

Another said: “I like that the guy is self aware and is making a living off of this.”

It’s not just the internet that Toco has faced judgment from, as he admitted he had concerns about revealing the truth about his canine identity to people in his life.

Toco insists that his unusual lifestyle is not a fetish (YouTube/@I_want_to_be_an_animal)
Toco insists that his unusual lifestyle is not a fetish (YouTube/@I_want_to_be_an_animal)

Talking to The Mirror, he said: “I rarely tell my friends because I am afraid they will think I am weird. My friends and family seemed very surprised to learn I became an animal.

“Since childhood, I have had this unspecific fantasy of becoming an animal. I wonder whether it was a desire for transformation.”

Featured Image Credit: I want to be an animal/ YouTube