You might count yourself as a curious person, but few people could come close to one YouTuber, who went to great lengths to satisfy his inquisitiveness.
The results were posted on YouTube channel thePOVchannel, which specializes in going out on expeditions to find interesting sights and locations.
In a video from the end of 2023, its host headed out to investigate a curious location he spotted on Google Earth, one that required quite a hike to get to and that might well not have been explored for centuries.
Hiking over a large expanse of what he called "petrified sand dunes" he had to pick his way through the landscape carefully to avoid tumbling into little canyons or down rocky slopes.
Eventually, he drew nearer to the structure that he was aiming for, observing some strange lines in the sandstone at his feet along the way.
There were also plenty of kooky little caves in the rock faces, but the real star of the show was a massive rock jutting up out of the red landscape.
The rock appeared to be one giant chunk of sandstone, and he's able to start climbing up it where the slope is less sheer, along with his trusty dog.
The video really reaches its peak when he finds an absolutely massive sandstone arch, one that was obviously eroded at some point, perhaps by a dried-up river or flow channel.
The huge tunnel is at least 25 feet long and really tall, ending in a gorgeous smooth sandstone bowl, full of pockmarked holes that look almost like birds' nests.
It's unbelievably beautiful, and unlike some of the more famous arches and rock formations in places like Monument Valley, seems to be completely unspoiled and off the beaten track, with no evidence that people have been here much at all.

One person in the comments under the video wondered: "Is it possible you are the first human in thousands of years to see and walk through that arch/tunnel?"
Another comment was effusive about the channel as a whole: "Obviously the vast overwhelming majority of people will never ever venture to such places. That is why I applaud you for taking us along to see sights we would otherwise never see. Thank you and your dog...Thumbs Up!"
What's particularly impressive about the video is that once he finds the jaw-dropping arch, the narrator basically stays quiet to just let you enjoy the incredible scenery.
It's pretty brilliant to be able to soak it in without someone narrating their thoughts over it the whole time, making this a really soothing watch.