The astonishing moment when a flat earther had his mind changed was captured on camera.
The man realized everything he believed was a lie by using a simple experiment.
YouTuber Jack Gordon documented his journey to help a flat earther see sense by conducting experiments to test whether the earth really is round.
Sebit, the flat earther, watched a boat sail out into the distance.
As it reached the horizon, the boat dipped below, out of sight due to the curvature of the earth.
However, once out of view, Gordon instructed the sailors to stop the boat and, climbing to a higher vantage point, Sebit was able to see the boat again.
This proved to the flat earther that our planet is actually round.
When asked if he now believed that the earth is round, Sebit passed a lie detector test by answering ‘yes’.
Viewers were shocked by the video, with many taking to the YouTube comment section to share their reactions.
One user wrote: “The dude's explanation that he's never really left his hometown explains a lot. You'd have to imagine that this was the same for medieval peasants who thought the world was flat. When your whole life is situated around a small area, you're never really ever going to see physical evidence of the Earth being round.”
Another said: “Should do the same experiment but with a little less open minded flat earther. Would be very interesting to see if their mind would change too.”

A third person commented: “Do ppl actually believe the earth is flat?! I thought they were just joking that they believed that, but some actually do?! WOW this blows my mind, 21st century how's this possible?”
And a fourth added: “Respect to Sebit for being open minded enough to get his belief system changed.”
However, not everyone was convinced by the clip, with some viewers sharing their skeptical thoughts that the video might not be authentic.
One user wrote: “I don't think this is the flex you think it is.....wow i convinced the most gullible person on earth of something.”
And another user added: “Most likely a paid actor, it is insanely hard, and I can't stress how hard it is, to convince someone they are wrong. Most of the time, especially with communities like this that are raised to oppose round earth - not just not believe it, but hate it - it is just so unlikely that he convinced someone with this level of proof.”