The simulated timelapse of the journey to the end of time has people shocked by the way the universe will come to an end.
The YouTube video, which was posted by Melodysheep, shows a timeline of events from 2019 all the way until six thousand trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years into the future.
The video starts off by saying that science has begun to “paint a stunning picture of how the future might unfold”.
It goes on to display the potential changes to Earth in the future, including impact from an asteroid and rising sea levels.
The clip shares that it’s possible that the Sahara could become tropical and that there will be a supervolcanic eruption with a new Hawaiian island appearing as a result.
In the year 233,484,936, a new supercontinent will form but as the sun increases its luminosity, all plant life will die and the oceans will evaporate.
The Earth will eventually be destroyed by our dying sun which will become a white dwarf, which is the stellar core that is left of a dying star.

The simulation predicts that the stars will all eventually die off, leaving the universe as a graveyard of life.
Afterwards, black holes will absorb anything remaining until eventually, they too will evaporate.
Sharing their thoughts in the YouTube comment section, one user wrote: “The way you made two unfathomably colossal and terrifying objects like black holes seem like the last beautiful waltz between two star-crossed lovers at the end of time was beyond magical.”
Another posted: “I know this sounds very cliche, but this video made me feel that each of us living here on earth are absolute miracles. I feel like we all won a huge lottery just being able to exist.
“At the same time, it gives me a sense of relief that whatever happens, perceivably good or bad, is just a tiny, tiny part of an unbelievably long history of time. I think it gives us freedom, or more so assures us that there is freedom to really pursue what we want in life.”

A third joked: “And once again, the cameraman outlived the universe and time itself. Being the only entity left in the abyss of nothingness…”
And a fourth added: “Me crying for something that will happen in 5 billion years.”
The video goes on to say that physicists “increasingly suspect that there may be multiple universes beyond our own, each with their own unique laws of physics” and that we will need to escape our universe to another before it dies.
It’s safe to say that the 29 minute video has given a lot of people an existential crisis.
But we can sleep easy knowing that these catastrophic changes will happen long after our lifetimes.