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Cabin crew accidentally captured ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ footage of Space X rocket launch

Cabin crew accidentally captured ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ footage of Space X rocket launch

Talk about being in the right place at the right time.

If you're a member of the cabin crew on a commercial jetliner you might get used to seeing the world from above, in all weather and conditions.

That doesn't mean you can't be amazed when you look out of your window to see something truly rare from a crazy perspective, though, as demonstrated by a TikTok video posted back in 2022.

The clip is from an account called chefpinkpr, who seems to be working on the flight. It's pretty jaw-dropping, with an on-screen caption explaining: "My plane flew by Cape Canaveral and caught SpaceX Falcon 9 launch!"

That's a simple explanation for an amazing video - in it, you can see that the TikToker managed to start filming very soon after noticing the SpaceX rocket on its launch pad.

The Falcon 9 is a reusable, two-stage rocket from Elon Musk's company SpaceX, which calls itself 'the world’s first orbital class reusable rocket'.

When the video starts, you can see the smoke billowing away from the launch pad as the rocket's ignition sequence happens, making it clear what's about to happen.

Then, right on cue, the rocket does indeed take off and jet into the sky - although the altitude that the user films from makes it look amazingly gentle in its ascent.

That would be a marked contrast to the on-the-ground experience of seeing the rocket power away from Earth.

The smoke trail that the rocket leaves behind can be seen really clearly, and credit has to go to the filming, which is admirably steady.

6381380 / Getty
6381380 / Getty

It's one of those amazing coincidences - the flight path being just right to go past the launchpads at Canaveral, on a really clear day, at the exact moment of take-off for the rocket.

People are pretty awe-inspired in the comments, as you'd expect, and pointing out a whole bunch of interesting details from the video.

From a safety point of view, one person wrote: "Wow, can't believe they launched that with a commercial flight that close". They've got a good point, too - this just shows how confident the engineers are in their rockets.

Another user observed that "what’s crazy is how little time it took to get higher than the plane".

Finally, someone pointed out another element of luck involved in being able to see this amazing sight: "Imagine being on the other side of the plane". After all, it's one thing to miss a nice coastal view, but to be on the other side and looking out a boring window without ever knowing you missed a space launch would be pretty heartbreaking.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/chefpinkpr