Footage of the moment a cosmonaut found a blob growing outside the ISS has resurfaced.
It's a movie we've seen too many times before. Astronauts head out into space, astronauts discover weird substance out in the stars, astronauts get offed in a variety of brutal ways. Pretty much every Alien movie has warned us that if you find something unknown in space, you're best sticking your helmets back on and getting straight out of there.
In one shocking video, we see when a cosmonaut discovers a strange blob growing on the outside of the International Space Station.
Cosmonauts aboard the ISS discovered a leak from a backup radiator on the Nauka module in October 2023. Although the radiator carried on working, they were advised to undertake a spacewalk to take a closer look at the issue.
Oleg Kononenko found holes in the radiator panel, and as well as saying it looked like they'd been drilled (that's a nope from us), a strange blob had grown around the holes.
Although this was thought to be made from residual ammonia coolant, it sounds like something from a sci-fi horror.
In the footage, we see when Kononeko finds the outer space blob.
As it hovers in his direction, he's forced to wipe down his safety tether and his tools. The commentary explains how the tether wouldn’t be brought back onto the ISS, while extra precautionary measures were made to sterilize their suits before they re-enter the airlock.
Although a cloth was used to trap the escaping liquid, Kononenko was told to immediately leave the area after the coolant hit his safety cable.
It was such a serious incident, Kononenko had to unclip himself and make a risky move that could've resulted in him floating away into space.
Then again, anyone who's seen 2017's Life will know bringing strange substances onto a ship are exactly how things can go wrong.
Responding to the footage, the comments joked about how this sounds like the start of a Hollywood blockbuster.
Someone joked: "And now showing at a Space Station near you The Blob."

Another added, "Could it be The Blob with Steve McQueen?," and a third said, "Maybe It’s Venom looking for Eddie Brock 😂."
The most concerning aspect of the whole ordeal as that we still don't know what caused the damage. Kononeko's mention of the regular holes is pretty unnerving, but maybe that's just our tin foil theory. Could it be a rogue Xenomorph stalking the ISS and ready for the Alien: Romulus sequel?
The tragic history of space disasters have shown there are plenty of things to be scared of if you're astronaut, but away from catastrophic accidents, do they now have to worry about intergalactic blobs slipping inside their suits and assimilating them?
If someone hasn't contacted Ridley Scott about making a movie out of this, they really should.