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'Disc-shaped UFO' filmed by Ukrainian military in warzone

'Disc-shaped UFO' filmed by Ukrainian military in warzone

The strange object is capturing all of our attention.

A mysterious disc-shaped object has been caught on film by troops in Ukraine.

Men from the Ukraine Armed Forces in the 406th Battalion captured the footage, and can be heard saying: “what the f*** is this? Why isn’t it moving?”

The unidentified flying object was approximately 30 miles away, if not further, and one member can even be heard declaring that the object is a “UFO, for sure”, translated from Ukrainian.

The footage was reportedly taken from the battalion’s Mavic quadcopter which was flying more than 500ft above sea level when the troops noticed the supposed UFO.

With the clip surfacing on X – formerly Twitter – many people have been speculating just what the flying disc could be, with some joking that it could just be a frisbee.

One commenter wrote: “ET took a VERY wrong turn”.

At the end of the video, one member reportedly suggests – probably joking – that they should “maybe ram it” with their tiny, two-pound quadcopter.

This is not the first time this year a strange object has captured our attention.

In January footage from 2018 was leaked to the public, appearing to show a what people dubbed a 'jellyfish UFO' flying over an Iraq military base. The footage was apparently captured by US forces, but the Department of Defense refused to comment on the clip's authenticity.


However, the supposed UFO in Ukraine could have a logical explanation, as online sceptics have given their own theories on what the object could be, with some saying that it could be a case of the mirage phenomenon known as ‘fata morgana’.

The mirage becomes visible in a narrow band right above the horizon and will significantly distort objects to the point where that object is completely unrecognizable.

The phenomenon, named after a sorceress from the legend of King Arthur, happens when a higher altitude layer of warm air and a lower layer of cold air create an ‘atmospheric duct’ that refracts or curves light to create airborne aerial reflections.

It’s unlikely we’ll see any green aliens appearing in Ukraine any time soon, as a spokesperson for Mavic’s manufacturer revealed to the Daily Mail that there was an error message on the drone. While it might not explain the presence of a possible UFO, an equipment error may well have played a role.

Featured Image Credit: X/@‌albafella1