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The 'perfect human body' created by biologists and it's seriously creeping people out

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The 'perfect human body' created by biologists and it's seriously creeping people out

The features make sense on paper, but they’re downright creepy to see on a person.

When you think of the 'perfect human body', you might picture an athlete or a supermodel. Not what looks like an ambitious science experiment.

Yet that's exactly what a team of anatomists suggested for the ideal human body, devoid of any imperfections.

The bizarre clip comes from a 2018 BBC Four show called 'Can Science Make Me Perfect?'

Anatomist Alice Roberts attempted to create the 'perfect' human body, resulting in something pretty nightmare-like.

The body, modelled on her own, was nicknamed Alice 2.0. However, very little of it could be seen as 'perfect' - at least by conventional standards.

Biologically? Probably. Beauty-wise? Maybe not.


In the clip, Roberts described the project as 'extraordinary' and said she was 'terribly excited' to see the results.

When Alice 2.0 was finally revealed, Roberts let out a little scream and a big 'oh my goodness' while the crown reacted with a mix of shock and laughter.

'Oh no, I can't look at her,' was the creator's first reaction.

The body possessed long, strong-looking legs, pointed ears and 'super-sized' eyes.

At first, Roberts thought the face was the weirdest part as she felt a similarity with her own only the geometry was 'way off.'

But, she soon admitted as she looked straight at the baby's head sticking out of the stomach.

'The baby's the weirdest thing,' she went on to say. 'That is the weirdest thing, but it's very cute at the same time.'

The baby's head was meant to symbolise a pain-free childbirth represented by a marsupial pouch - much like that in kangaroos. Great in theory, but represented in quite a disturbing way.


Roberts explained some of Alice 2.0's unusual features including a 'chimp's sturdy lower back' to 'counter the faults of our flawed transition to standing upright' as well as the 'shock-absorbing legs of an emu' which came alongside 'tiny pumps in her thighs' to 'improve blood circulation.'

The animal-inspired design didn’t stop there.

'Beneath her breast-less chest lies the reliable heart of a dog and the graceful lungs of a swan,' Roberts explained.

An odd combination but one that could be explained in the world of evolution and biology.

One thing that does feel true to modern life is the iPhone glued to Alice 2.0's hand.

She might not blend into society well but at least she's connected to the digital world.

'She's so different and yet, in some ways, so realistic,' Roberts remarked. 'This could be a human fit for the future.'

We'll wait to see on that one.

Featured Image Credit: BBC