A company is offering to freeze your body for $200,000 and it could be the ticket to ‘cheating death’.
In a new way that people are hoping can enable them to live forever, you can pay to have your body frozen after death.
Of course, there’s no guarantee that you’ll ever be successfully thawed out and brought back to life.

However, if it’s a gamble you’re wanting to take then you’re in luck because one German company is now taking new customers.
All you need to do is fork out a whopping $200,000.
Tomorrow Bio is the biotech firm behind this treatment, offering up full-body preservation after death.
If your bank balance doesn’t quite stretch to the hefty fee, don’t fret, because there is a cheaper option of $80,000 which involves just your brain being frozen.
In order to achieve cryopreservation, the body is cooled down to -198 degrees celsius (-324 degrees fahrenheit).
This induces a state that is known as biostasis and preserves the body for potential revival in the future.
According to the Tomorrow Bio website, an ambulance will be dispatched when there are ‘signs that a patient might be dying’.
The medical team ‘usually arrive before death occurs, allowing us to start the stabilization process as soon as the patient is legally pronounced dead’.
It also states that there are special rates for people ‘signing up at the last minute’.
The process of cryopreservation is designed to prevent ice crystals from forming inside the body.

However, if you do decide to be frozen after death, there’s no telling how long you’ll be waiting around for someone to revive you - if it ever happens at all.
This is because revival after cryopreservation isn’t yet possible.
That being said, it doesn’t seem to have put people off, with testimonials on their site indicating why customers are choosing to go down this route.
One person wrote: “The chance at a second life is far more exciting than just a one-way trip to the grave.”
And another said: “I’m a member of Tomorrow.bio for several reasons. Because I want humanity to conquer death, because I like to see the future, because I dream of traveling into space, and mainly because I want a new sunrise after my sunset.”
And the firm doesn’t stop there because you can get your pets frozen too.
On the site, it details how it ‘provides a meaningful way to keep the connection with your pet alive’.
And customers can choose to have their pets frozen after death until ‘advancements in medicine make reuniting possible’.