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Worrying reason why you should never set multiple alarms to wake you up

Worrying reason why you should never set multiple alarms to wake you up

A TikTok nurse has shared why you shouldn't snooze your alarm in the mornings

If you are someone who sets a lot of alarms to wake you up in the morning then you might have a rude awakening as to why you shouldn't.

One nurse has revealed the worrying reason why you should never set multiple alarms before going to sleep.

Hitting the snooze button and getting an extra 10 minutes in bed can often be too tempting to avoid.

You might think that getting a bit more sleep will help make you feel more awake and productive throughout the day.

However, one expert has thrown a spanner into the works by explaining why it might not be such a good idea after all.

TikTok nurse, Jordan, who is known on the app as @jordan.bruss, has posted a video detailing how the bad habit of snoozing your morning alarm can impact your REM cycle, which is when rapid eye movement occurs.

In her video, she said: “If you're someone who sets multiple alarms I have bad news for you, don't come for me, just trying to help.

“Waking to multiple alarms every morning really disrupts your REM cycle frequently.

According to an expert, we shouldn't be snoozing our alarms (John Lamb/Getty)
According to an expert, we shouldn't be snoozing our alarms (John Lamb/Getty)

“This actually causes sleep inertia, increased drowsiness, fatigue, mood swings and it also raises your cortisol levels.

Every time your alarm goes off you're in that fight or flight response so waking up like that multiple times in the morning is very stressful.

“So when that alarm goes off in the morning, get up! Don't keep traumatizing yourself.”

Judging by the comments under her video it seems like a lot of people enjoy the “best feeling” of going back to sleep after that first alarm kicks in.

Someone else has said that they had one alarm for every 10 minute interval between 6am and 7:30am, while another said they “sleep through the alarms and that's why I need several”.

The TikTok nurse has warned against setting multiple alarms (TikTok/@jordan.bruss)
The TikTok nurse has warned against setting multiple alarms (TikTok/@jordan.bruss)

Another person said that they had gone for a Sunrise alarm clock which gradually turns up the light to gently wake you up instead of blaring sound at you.

“The first day I woke up, I literally woke up with a smile on my face,” they said, which sounds like a rather more pleasant way of getting up in the morning.

More shared their tips for getting out of bed in the morning, including having the alarm located somewhere you have to get up to switch it off.

Others have tried alarm apps that make you take a photo of somewhere downstairs like the kitchen in order to stop the alarm to force you out of bed.

Featured Image Credit: Maria Korneeva / milorad kravic / Getty