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New footage of 'baby bigfoot' caught wandering the woods is insanely creepy

New footage of 'baby bigfoot' caught wandering the woods is insanely creepy

People say it's proof of the mythical beast.

There have been some pretty strange and unexplainable sightings over the years.

Whether it’s possible evidence of a UFO or a mysterious underwater sinkhole, there is always a new discovery that gets us talking.

More recently, an image surfaced of a strange figure that has some speculating that it could finally be proof that a mythical creature is in fact very real.

The 'Baby Bigfoot' spotted in the woods (Facebook/Stephanie Wood)
The 'Baby Bigfoot' spotted in the woods (Facebook/Stephanie Wood)

The picture depicts a group of deer feeding the woods with the figure staring at them in the background.

The figure in question is believed by some to be a ‘baby bigfoot’.

The blurry photograph makes it difficult to work out exactly what’s going on in the image, which begs the question of how - in 2024 - someone is taking such a poor quality pic.

Most people carry around a brilliantly powerful camera in their pocket capable of snapping professional standard pics but despite all the new tech to reduce shaking in phone cameras, the footage is still very pixelated.

Many people think the sighting is finally proof of Bigfoot (pabradyphoto/Getty)
Many people think the sighting is finally proof of Bigfoot (pabradyphoto/Getty)

But that didn't stop some people from suggesting that there may be something to the picture in a post on social media.

Among them was Bigfoot spotter Stephanie Wood, who revealed that she was skeptical at first, but then began to wonder if it actually was the mystical beast.

She said: “We know what you're thinking. It's Chaka from Land Of The Lost. Our gut reaction to this photo is that it’s probably a short person in a costume, maybe a kid, right? But after analyzing it for a while, we're not so sure anymore.”

She added: “Could this be a baby Sasquatch or one of those hairy little people that pop up in reports now and then, which are described as 'squatchlets'?

People have searched for proof of Bigfoot for many years (David Wall/Getty)
People have searched for proof of Bigfoot for many years (David Wall/Getty)

“One thing we know for sure is that the truth is truly stranger than fiction in more cases than not. Chaka or a Squatchlet? You decide.”

She wasn't alone in this, with one person posting: “Even the deer are saying WTF?”

Meanwhile, another person claimed the image looked like something they'd seen 'in a dream'.

They wrote: “Honestly, the deer in the photo makes this 99.9% believable. This looks like an adolescent sasquatch I seen in a dream. Never had a physical sighting but have witnessed/heard signs of sasquatch.”

But plenty of people were also less than convinced about the veracity of the figure in the blurry photo.

One person wrote: “Bigfoot? That deer in the foreground is bigger than that child in a costume.”

Another posted: “It's the hands for me. They look very human. The way the hair is cuffed around the wrists too. I think it's a hoax.”

Featured Image Credit: David Wall/pabradyphoto/Getty