If you fancy your very own close encounter of the third kind then you might want to head to any of these 10 US states, as they're understood to have the highest chance of encountering an alien abduction.
Questions surrounding the existence of aliens continues to fascinate many, and countless individuals dedicate their entire lives to uncovering secrets surrounding unknown extraterrestrial creatures and beyond.
While tightly-held secrets inside the ever-mystical Area 51 are allegedly going to be released this year, you could in fact get ahead of the curve and seek out an alien abduction yourself.

While they could appear anywhere at any point in time, they do seem to have some favorites places to visit across America, with ten states in particular highlighted as the places to visit if you want to see some alien action.
As reported by the New York Post, California is by far the most popular destination for aliens, with 36,286 reported extraterrestrial sightings since 1974 - maybe they just wanted to trade the stars of outer space for the stars of the big screen!
This also makes it so that California tops the list when it comes to UFO sightings per person, as there's around one extraterrestrial spotted for every 1,075 people in the state, considerably increasing your chances of catching an alien in the act.
Across the rest of the list you'll see states like Washington, Florida, and New York, and surprisingly it takes until the 10th spot to reach Nevada - the home of Area 51 - indicating that perhaps alien life has realized that it's not the best place to set up shop.

If you're looking for the places to avoid though, there's no worse place to visit across America than Louisiana when it comes to alien abductions. That might be reason to head there if you worried about being captured, but any fanatics might be wasting their time.
It boasts a pitiful one UFO for every 3,815 people in the southern state, despite having around 10% of California's population at 4,598 million. You'd be much better served heading west to neighboring Texas, as that has a three times higher chance of spotting an alien.
Other places you'll want to avoid are Mississippi (1 per 3,599 people), Alabama (1 per 3,445 people), and Virginia (1 per 3,096 people) as these are pitiful numbers that'll end up wasting your time.
Generally it seems like the west coast of America is far more popular when it comes to alien sightings, especially on the coast with California, Washington, and Oregon all in the top four for sightings.
Of course, it's all a game of chance though, and you have to believe that aliens even exist in the first place - but who knows if you'll be lucky enough to see one yourself.