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Man hatched a fish from supermarket caviar and it was 'way more emotional' than people were expecting

Man hatched a fish from supermarket caviar and it was 'way more emotional' than people were expecting

After 32 hours, a fish hatched

Caviar is often seen as a fancy treat, enjoyed mostly among the posher folk of society.

The fish eggs are usually eaten as a garnish or spread, and its high price reflects how rare the fish is.

YouTuber Max Fosh, however, decided to take a different approach with some caviar he bought from the supermarket.

'Instead of eating these fish eggs, I've always wondered if I could turn one of them into a fish,' Max described in the video.

'With some tender loving care, could I turn one of these black blobs from the supermarket into a living, breathing being.'

What's his reason for doing so?

A couple of years ago, Max admitted to catching his own 'fish and chips from the Thames' and wanted to give a fish's life back.

After buying his freshly tinned caviar, Max realised after a little biological thinking that he needed to find a way to fertilise them - he needed to get some fish sperm, otherwise known as milt.

Initially, he attempted to gather some from the shop but much to the fishmonger's confusion, he was unsuccessful.

After some research, he came across a fish farmer called Simon who showed him how to extract sperm from a fish using a syringe.

However, Max ran into another problem. The caviar he bought earlier was from a sturgeon whereas his fish sperm came from a carp. So, his next quest was to buy some carp caviar.

Once he had everything he needed, Max put the eggs in a tub of water, added the sperm and left it in sunlight as per the instructions he was given. After two days with no results, he added a bit more sperm.

32 hours later, success!

Max Fosh/YouTube
Max Fosh/YouTube

'We have life,' he exclaimed. 'Look at them.'

One little fish hatched from the eggs and Max tended to it like a 'protective mother.'

He fed it tiny pieces of plankton and watched it grow very quickly over the next few months, upgrading him to its own fish tank - until he decided to set it free. Well, a friend's pond, but he did find the goodbye quite emotional.

And so did his viewers.

'That was the most emotional shot of a fish being thrown I have ever seen,' the first user wrote.

'This was way more emotional than I expected,' one person added.

'this was really wholesome but as someone who knows a thing or two about keeping and caring for aquatic animals I had several moments where i screamed at the monitor when he almost killed the fish,' another commented.

Featured Image Credit: Max Fosh/YouTube