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‘Best UFO footage ever’ captured on video by Colombian pilot has authenticity confirmed

‘Best UFO footage ever’ captured on video by Colombian pilot has authenticity confirmed

The footage has been authenticated by a ufologist.

A video showing a UFO sighting has gone viral on social media, with lots of people claiming it to be the ‘best UFO footage ever.’

Pilot Jorge A. Arteaga was flying in the skies around 12,500 feet above Antioquia, Colombia when he quickly grabbed hold of his camera to capture the bizarre footage.

The unidentified disc-shaped object appeared large and silver, heading towards his aircraft, whizzing past his window in which he claimed it to be a 'frightening experience.'

However, Arteaga confirmed that the UFO was not any sort of balloon, drone, or any known object to him in fact.

Some people have claimed it to be the 'best ever UFO footage' / Instagram/Jorgearteagag
Some people have claimed it to be the 'best ever UFO footage' / Instagram/Jorgearteagag

According to Arteaga, the airplane was flying too high and the temperature was too cold, around 5 degrees Celsius, for the object to be a solar or helium balloon.

Arteaga's co-pilot, Daniel, also spotted the object and kept an eye on it as the pair began to 'hunt' down the object, in which they successfully passed it.

Interestingly, the sighting was confirmed to be legit when Arteaga spoke to self-described, ufologist Jaime Maussan in an interview soon after.

You might have come across Maussan's name before in the news as last year he discovered two 'alien corpses' in Mexico, claiming them not part of 'our terrestrial evolution.'

Sharing part of their conversation in a post on X, Maussan captioned the clip: 'We are facing one of the greatest UAP (UFO) evidences of all time; captured by the Captain Pilot Aviator @JorgeArteagaG.'

Not everyone is so convinced by the sighting / Instagram/Jorgearteagag
Not everyone is so convinced by the sighting / Instagram/Jorgearteagag

However, not all viewers are so convinced by the sighting.

With 'UFO' standing for 'Unidentified Flying Object', some viewers argue that the pilot shouldn't be so quick to assume it was extra-terrestrial. One stated: 'UFO simply means Unidentified Flying Object. It does not necessarily mean it came from another planet. Use critical thinking.'

Another said: 'It’s a balloon and it’s not even moving. It’s just an illusion from being in a vehicle (this case a plane) moving towards and then away from an object.'

Others believe it could in fact be a plane, commenting: 'That’s a freaking Navy Drone. We have photos of them on Carriers. They went through a lot of testing, and we’ve got photos of that too.'

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/Jorgearteagag