It's a new year, and with it, we're sure many of you have some 'new' New Year's resolutions.
The thing is, how many of these are simply old resolutions recycled from last year? Do you want to hit the gym, cut back on your drinking, or start eating better?
Stopping smoking is arguably the biggest, with plenty of people stubbing out that last cigarette or putting down their vape at midnight and vowing not to puff ever again.
The problem is, how many of you actually manage to kick the habit? Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on the planet, so stopping smoking or vaping isn't simply a case of changing your mindset.

Still, with a single cigarette taking an average of 20 minutes off your life, stopping smoking is a life-changing experience.
Now, YouTuber L3G1TDC has explained the seven levels of nicotine addiction and how you don’t know you’re falling for it.
Nicotine isn't just found in standard cigarettes, with vaping taking off in popularity, particularly among the younger generations.
According to L3G1TDC, the stage one of vaping addiction is you casually trying it, feeling dizzy, and thinking, "Damn, who would like this?" It's here that you realize you're one of those who actually likes this.
Stage two is buying one for yourself and going into casual smoking or vaping, with the YouTuber explaining: "You take a puff on your vape, your head gets a little bit spinny, and your body gets a little bit tingly.
"They last for about a good 10 seconds until you realize, 'Oh, I want that feeling again.'"
With addiction kicking in, they say you'll be filling up your lungs with aerosol mist (yes, that's what's in a vape) every 10 seconds.
Stage three is 'chasing the buzz', where you'll notice that your vape isn't hitting like it used to.
This is the crucial stage where you'll likely decide what happens next. Do you figure out you're becoming addicted and simply quit, or do you go ahead and buy another vape?
If you make it to stage four, this is referred to as the 'no more buzz' stage.
Even if you decide not to hit your vape for a while, there will still be the lingering feeling that you want to. If you give into the feeling of vaping, you jump straight to stage seven, otherwise, stage five is denial.
Even in the throes of your growing addiction, you'll likely think you can quit at any time, but not realizing it's too late, stage six is looming.
You might manage to temporarily stop smoking or vaping, but coming home after a stressful day at work, chances are you might want that buzz and think that you'll still be able to quit again.
This will either take you back to the vicious cycle of stage two, or even worse, you might find yourself at the full-blown stage seven...addiction.
They say that by the time you get to stage seven, you simply don't care that you're vaping more than ever because you'll try and convince yourself that you've tried to quit before.
Even if you start to see some of the side effects, chances are you'll get trapped in a never-ending circle of trying to quit and then relapsing.
In a more recent video, L3G1TDC says he managed to stop smoking after eight years of being addicted, so it is possible to kick nicotine to the curb - it’s just not as easy as some might think.