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Man who tried the world's 'worst' e-cigarette flavors had a disgusting favorite

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Man who tried the world's 'worst' e-cigarette flavors had a disgusting favorite

We're suddenly not very hungry anymore

One man has taken one for the team and tried some of the worst vape flavours out there.

Look, we know vaping is bad for you, and although scientists suggest it's 'better' for you than smoking, we don't know the long-term effects of puffing on this toxic little machines. Still, vaping is a trend on the rise, with 53% of current vapers apparently being former smokers. With it's jazzy flavors and colorful packaging, vaping is skyrocketing among the younger demographic - walking around in smoky clouds of blue raspberry fizz.

From 'Watermelon Ice' to 'Cherry Cola Bottle', the vape market is full of flavors that take us back to our childhoods or capture the essence of our favorite foods. There's also the 'weirder' side of vape flavors, and like how you can get eggs Benedict, dill pickle, and mayonnaise-flavored Pringles, there's a whole vaping subculture dedicated to the wacky, wonderful, and woeful.

We're told that berry-flavored vapes are the worst in terms of damaging your body, but in terms of damaging your tastebuds, have you ever wanted to puff out a cloud of garlic vape? It's bad enough having an unexpected burp after demolishing a garlic baguette.

We love garlic bread, but what about a garlic vape? (Justin Ong / Getty)
We love garlic bread, but what about a garlic vape? (Justin Ong / Getty)

Thankfully, one man has tried the world's 'worst' vape flavors so you don't have to.

Over at E-Cigarette Direct, Lee Johnson tried out a range of unusual vape flavors, including roast chicken, bacon, and even tuna. Instead of delivering us a five-course meal of delectable delicacies, Johnson explained what it was like vaping these funny-smelling liquids. He previously tried out Voop Juice's Cheese + Onion flavor for April Fool's Day in 2015, and despite saying he'd never assault his senses like this again, he's back.

Johnson tried butter, chicken, garlic, bacon, black pepper, tuna, and Worcestershire Sauce. He tapped out at this point but also highlighted wasabi, which he guessed would be like inhaling 'mustard gas' and was unsurprised that hardly anyone has reviewed it yet. Johnson was also disappointed to learn that the crab legs e-liquid has since been discontinued. However, with it being described as “walking through a fish market on a hot, humid day," he probably got lucky with this one.

Sorry, you can no longer get crab legs e-liquid (VCG / Contributor / Getty)
Sorry, you can no longer get crab legs e-liquid (VCG / Contributor / Getty)

The Zamplebox team had previously tried the crab legs e-liquid and even created their own 'gas station sushi' by mixing it with ginger and wasabi. The Zamplebox boys also tried durian e-liquid, and with the Asian 'delicacy' being banned on commercial flights, it's no surprise someone said it was like a mix between 'stinky feet' and 'rotting meat.'

Johnson stuck to some of more tame flavors, and even though he said the garlic flavor was 'awful' but admitted the tuna one wasn't that bad, he had a bizarre favorite.

Managing to beat the butter e-liquid and praise for its 'richness and creaminess,' the black pepper vape liquid came out on top. Johnson admitted: "After the gauntlet of bizarre flavours I’ve endured so far, this is almost like sweet relief."

As for those who are thinking about swapping our their classic lemon and lime e-liquid for garlic or any of the other savory ones above, Johnson has the following advice: "Don’t. Just stop. Step away from the laptop and thank your lucky stars that you still have friends, because if you convince them to try one of these juices, you probably won’t for long."

Whoever is coming up with these flavors needs to seek help, please.

Featured Image Credit: Anadolu/Contributor / Mike Kemp/Contributor / Getty