You might have seen the 'get to know me' trend floating around Instagram.
On face value, it seems like a bit of innocent fun. All you have to do is load up a pre-made template and answer the questions on there - including your age, height, birthday, if you have any tattoos, your favorite drink and more.
It's a classic trend for this time of year, when many of us are back home with a lot of time on our hands - and the hashtag #gettoknowme has racked up 445,388 hits on Instagram.
But there could be a darker side to the trend.
Eliana Shiloh, a cyber and strategic risk analyst at Deloitte based in Chicago, has posted a TikTok video warning people against the trend - and her post has racked up 196,000 likes and a whole lot of conversation.
Shiloh said she was initially tempted to do the trend as it did look like a lot of fun, but then was hit with the thought: she would then be inadvertently sharing the answers "to a lot of my security questions".
And this would potentially open her up to fraud.
"The creepy creeps of the cyber web, they're going to have a field day with this trend," Shiloh said - as hackers could potentially steal your identity with this information.
And Shiloh seems to know what she's talking about, adding: "This is the backed opinion of someone who works in cyber - but it also literally takes common sense."

So, what if you've already done the trend and posted your answers on Instagram?
Shiloh has an easy fix - delete it immediately.
And it's really resonating with people in the comments section.
"I THOUGHT THE SAMEEE THING," one TikToker exclaimed, and another added: "I almost did but DIDN'T because of what you just said."
But there's always the option of bamboozling cyberhackers entirely, with one TikToker writing: "See this is why when I do these trends I never answer them seriously."