Videos from Clone Robotics have shown some insane capabilities of their robot arms and hands that replicate 'human muscle' incredibly realistically.
We know that robots are getting more lifelike, and while Elon Musk's Tesla Optimus bots still looks like I, Robot knockoffs, you only have to look at Ameca as the world's most humanoid robot to see where things are heading. There are plenty of compilations out there that show Boston Dynamics robots falling over, but with each passing day, robots are becoming more advanced and are getting closer to human anatomy.
Once Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) is invented, we're all a bit screwed. For now, we can enjoy these technological advancements and marvel at how the times are moving.
One company pushing us toward this new era is Clone Robotics (formerly Automaton Robotics), which is a Polish startup that looks like something pulled out of HBO's Westworld series. Clone Robotics has a goal of making low-cost robots that can do the jobs we don't want to. From tidying the house to working in factories, it has us questioning our own future.
Clone Robotics is most known for its Clone Hand - a robotic hand which as close to the human musculoskeletal structure as you can get.
Driven by hydraulic muscles, the Clone Hand is like a human one...only better. In a video showing off how the Clone Hand works, viewers are shocked at just how much weight it can carry.
In a grip strength test, people were wowed by seeing the dexterous Clone Hand XVI gripping 41lb and holding it with ease.
As well as being the same size and having the biological characteristics as a human hand, the Clone Hand has 24 degrees of freedom for a variety of hand movements.
The comments were full of inspired fans, with one writing: "Man, I can't wait for other body parts to be made! I hope you guys will have enough funding and inspiration to continue your excellent work!"
Another added, "Can’t wait for the biceps to be done. If they can lift that it’s going to look epic, like the Bionic Man," and a third said, "Damn, i've been watching this project for a long time and the improvement its amazing!"
While the Clone Hand is far from a full robot, Clone Robotics has also been showing off its Clone Torso that includes a spine, neck, and movable arms. When it comes to the Clone Torso, the company has plans for it to be used for industrial automation, as service robots, and for medical assistance.
As well as being a potential in the prosthetics game, Clone Robotics has a potentially bright future if it can continue getting funding. A look at the Clone Robotics YouTube channel shows how far its work has come in a matter of years, so we're intrigued to see where it goes.
Still, we can't Westworld out of our heads...and we all know how that ended.