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Designer of Euthanasia Coaster reveals there's only one way to survive it if you have second thoughts

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Designer of Euthanasia Coaster reveals there's only one way to survive it if you have second thoughts

The rollercoaster designed to kill all passengers does have one clever 'hack'

While it seems counterintuitive to its entire purpose, the creator of the 'Euthanasia Coaster' has revealed that there is one thing you can do to survive the ride - although it still won't be a walk in the park.

Julijonas Urbonas created what he dubbed the 'Euthanasia Coaster' back in 2010, creating a theme park ride with the supposed sole purpose of killing all of its passengers.

While that might sound both dramatic and horrific at the same time, Urbonas argues that the ride would allow its participants to pass away 'with elegance and euphoria' - but we'll let you be the judge of that.

The coaster itself, which hasn't reached any further than a scale model version, would reach speeds of up to 223mph, achieved through a 500m drop and seven consecutive loops.

A scale model version of the coaster shows its extremity (Julijonas Urbonas/Paulius Vitkauskas/Aistė Valiūtė/Daumantas Plechavičius)
A scale model version of the coaster shows its extremity (Julijonas Urbonas/Paulius Vitkauskas/Aistė Valiūtė/Daumantas Plechavičius)

Simulations created by a user on TikTok have allowed people to see both the ride itself in action, but also the effects of the Euthanasia Coaster on the human body.

In practice, the ride causes the brain to lose oxygen, throwing the passengers in and out of consciousness through G-LOC (g-force induced loss of consciousness), and eventually causing them to pass away through cerebral hypoxia.

Passengers can indeed opt out of the ride through what its creator calls a 'final words protocol', where all buttons must be activated before the ride commences, but it has also been revealed that there's a way you can survive the entirety of the ride.

In an interview with LADbible, Urbonas explained an aeronautic engineer revealed to him the secret of surviving the deadly coaster:

"She said, 'Your machine could be hacked, you know'. After my confusion, she explained, 'Using anti-g trousers that prevent pilots from blackout and fainting, I believe I would survive the ride and turn it into the most extreme thrill ride'."

Urbonas was surprised by this theory, thinking that it was previously impossible (Julijonas Urbonas)
Urbonas was surprised by this theory, thinking that it was previously impossible (Julijonas Urbonas)

While there is a chance that you would indeed survive, it might not be the most pleasurable experience of your life.

You would still suffer from G-LOC, and the oxygen fired to your brain from your heart would cause your legs and arms to 'twitch uncontrollably', in what the aeromedical world dubs to be the "funky chicken".

You would only regain your memories after a few hours, and you'd also have the lovely gift of red pinpoints all over your legs from the leaking of blood vessels.

It doesn't exactly sound like the most pleasant experience in the world, and while being the person who has survived the Euthanasia Coaster is a title that some would relish, it definitely wouldn't be on the top of our list.

If you’ve been affected by any of these issues and want to speak to someone in confidence, please don’t suffer alone. Call Samaritans for free on their anonymous 24-hour phone line on 116 123.

Featured Image Credit: Science Gallery Dublin/YouTube