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Two truths and a lie: Are you ready for Tinder's new features set to spice up the dating game?

Two truths and a lie: Are you ready for Tinder's new features set to spice up the dating game?

The app is introducing features like a sleek, dark mode setting, but what does that mean for your dating prospects?

In a bid to spice up the dating game, Tinder is rolling out a series of fresh features designed to make user profiles more engaging and get the conversation flowing a little easier.

According to its latest announcement, the popular dating app is set to launch self-quiz options and basic info tags, alongside a sleek dark mode setting.

This follows the October announcement about Matchmaker, the new tool which lets you invite up to 15 friends to swipe through your account in a 24-hour period.

However, the biggest feature the app will introduce now is profile prompts. This, Tinder said, will encourage users to share quirky or personal snippets like “The key to my heart is”, “The first item on my bucket list is”, and “Two truths and a lie”.

As already proven successful on its sibling app Hinge, the idea is that it will spark more meaningful conversations between potential lovers.

Tinder says the arrival of the features go hand in hand with the demand its seeing in the market for new ways of dating. Its Future of Dating Report, released in May, highlighted a "desire amongst young singles to reset how they date online", Tinder said.

“Discreet dating is on the rise as Tinder recently revealed that over half (51%) of young singles are open to new ways of fitting dating around their daily schedules and over two-thirds (68%) of Tinder users admit to using the app while at work,” Tinder added.

Alongside prompts, Tinder is also diving into the quiz arena. This will give users the ability to craft a personalized quiz, letting potential matches learn about them in a fun and interactive way.

This trend of using question-and-answer mechanisms to drive matches is gaining momentum in the dating app world, with apps like Hatched already on the bandwagon.

In addition to the interactive features, Tinder is incorporating profile tags.

Tinder has announced new features like dark mode and profile quiz.
Tinder has announced new features like dark mode and profile quiz.

But how do they work?

These tags allow users to display basic information about themselves, covering a range of interests from pet preferences to zodiac signs. This feature mirrors a similar one found on what is probably Tinder’s biggest rival in the dating app space, Bumble.

It's not just about adding new features though - Tinder is also enhancing user safety and experience. The company has announced that its app users will have the ability to report specific content within these new profile sections, ensuring a safer and more respectful environment for its users.

It is also revamping the look of its app, with fresh arrivals on its user interface such as animations, including an updated “It’s a Match!” screen - and it’s also introducing a dark mode setting for those who prefer a different aesthetic (or want to save a bit of battery).

“Dark Mode gives users the additional option of avoiding ‘phone glow’ by being able to find their match from anywhere, at any time, with an added element of privacy,” Tinder said in a statement.

The app updates follow the announcement earlier this year that Tinder is launching an exclusive subscription service that is invite-only.

Dipping its toes into a new arena to battle the likes of Raya and host the 1% of the globe, the invite-only subscription costs a jaw-dropping $499 per month, giving you access to Tinder Select.

But it's not for just any Tom, Dick or Harry - membership will only be offered to Tinder's most active users.

Featured Image Credit: Tinder announces new app features (Credit: NurPhoto/Tim Robberts/Getty Images)