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Man followed biohacker Bryan Johnson’s $2M anti-aging lifestyle for 75 days and his biological age shifted

Man followed biohacker Bryan Johnson’s $2M anti-aging lifestyle for 75 days and his biological age shifted

We can't say it looks incredibly appealing though.

A YouTuber has followed Bryan Johnson’s intense anti-aging lifestyle for 75 days and the results are pretty insane.

Andrew Boyd, 23, spent two-and-a-half months following the tech mogul’s vigorous diet and exercise regime to test out his unusual lifestyle.

American billionaire Johnson, 46, is the brains behind anti-aging initiative called Project Blueprint, which sees him fork out a whopping $2 million (£1.59 million) a year in his quest for eternal youth.

Alongside taking as many as 111 daily supplements, wearing a baseball cap that shoots red light into his scalp and undergoing plasma transfusions - with donations from his son - Johnson’s gruelling fitness regime consists of working out for at least one hour a day.

Meanwhile, his diet consists of consuming a ton of blended nuts, legumes and vegetables. How appealing.

Boyd from Chattanooga, Tennessee took on the challenge, filming his before and after results, and said he felt “incredibly focused and energized”.

The YouTuber lost nearly 30 pounds - going from 192 to 164 pounds, meaning he dropped an average of 6 pounds a week - and the pictures of him after the diet show him looking more visibly toned than before.

He also reduced his body fat percentage from 19 to 13.9% and even claimed his biological age dropped to as young as 19.2 - at the time of filming - while his chronological age was 23.7.

It seems like Bryan Johnson will do whatever it takes to look younger.

However, Boyd did question if biological age is valid, explaining it is a reactive snapshot of time that can easily change due to circumstance - eating a donut rather than an apple, for instance.

Johnson is reportedly a billionaire, after all - so how can an average Joe afford his expensive lifestyle? And how on Earth would you find the time to get it all done?

With great difficulty, it would seem. Boyd bulk bought from Amazon and shopped for fresh produce once a week at Aldi to reduce costs, spending around $112.34 a week on food and supplements before setting aside three to four hours to meal prep for the week.

Boyd began his day with the decidedly non-delicious sounding ‘green giant’ - consisting of water, chlorella powder, creatine, collagen peptides, cocoa flavanols and Ceylon cinnamon - before consuming the ‘super veggie’ which has lots of broccoli, mushrooms, cauliflower, ginger garlic and black lentils.

He also munched on the interestingly named snack ‘nutty pudding’ which is made up of macadamia nut milk, a mix of ground nuts and topped with fresh strawberries.

He also kept to the regime of working out an hour a day, as well as going to sleep and waking up consistently every day.

“Blueprint is not about the exact diet, it’s not about the exact exercise protocol. It’s not about red light therapy or a bedtime routine or about skincare,” Boyd said in his YouTube video.

“At its core project, Blueprint is about using measurement and data to back up health choices.”

He added: “There are countless health gurus out there. Very few of them are rigorously testing their claims. And even fewer are openly sharing their data with the public. That’s what I love about Blueprint.”

While the YouTuber enjoyed looking at the data behind the regime, still questioned whether being in a calorie deficit and taking supplements is good in the long term.

“You’re calorie-restricting yourself to the point where you’re suppressing hormone reduction… this is why Bryan supplements testosterone,” he said.

“To me, this just doesn’t make a lot of sense."

Boyd adopted an insane diet and exercise regime to be like Johnson.
Project Andrew/YouTube

While Boyd doesn't claim to be a doctor or health professional, he added: “I think it’s probably better to correct a problem with diet than to introduce exogenous hormones.”

Johnson’s lifestyle isn’t just to look younger - he hopes to find a way to change his biological markers and delay death. In fact, he's even made the controversial suggestion that death isn't inevitable.

His transformation has sparked mixed reactions online - with some admiring his dedication, while others have questioned the extreme lengths he's going to in pursuit of eternal youth.

For example, some online commenters have called him "gorgeous" and an "angel", while others find his new look to be "uncanny" and "synthetic".

“Whether it’s working or not, he’s spending his own money researching ways to extend human life, so good for him,” one commenter wrote, while another said: “Looks like a guy in his mid 40s having a mid-life crisis”.

Featured Image Credit: Credit: Project Andrew / YouTube