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Man walks across entire country barefoot whilst seeing if he can beat Google Maps' suggested time

Man walks across entire country barefoot whilst seeing if he can beat Google Maps' suggested time

He made the feat with just his bare feet.

Humans are naturally equipped to live in the wild. At least, we were so many years ago before modern life.

Manmade materials like concrete make this much more difficult today.

But YouTuber Isaiah Photo wanted to put his feet to the test by walking across an entire country barefoot.

His goal?

'To beat Google at their own game and finish this faster than the suggested time on Google Maps,' the YouTuber said.

According to Google, the time to walk from one end of Andorra to the other is 9 hours and 16 minutes.

Ambitious to beat it, Isaiah's first hurdle was a 1,000 ft climb to the top of a mountain.

Isaiah Photo/YouTube
Isaiah Photo/YouTube

Along the way, the concrete and small stones were doing a number on Isaiah's feet. Feeling blisters forming on his soles, he found relief in the painted white lines on the road and tiled surfaces.

About halfway through, Isaiah managed to get 'quite a bit ahead' of Google's time so he had time to rest.

Thankfully, Isaiah's friend thoughtfully grabbed some ice packs from the nearby shop to rest his sore feet on and suggested using plastic film wrap to wrap his feet up for the remainder of his trip.

'It's not perfect, the ground is still very hot, I can still feel rocks but it's making a difference,' Isaiah described. 'Gonna keep riding this out.'

At another break, he found himself 'unacceptably' 15 minutes behind Google when beforehand he was 20 minutes ahead - and the plastic wrappings weren't cutting it.

Passing the eyes of judging onlookers, Isaiah was determined to finish his mission.

Isaiah Photo/YouTube
Isaiah Photo/YouTube

'My feet look like a scene from a movie that you would not want to watch,' he explained. 'My feet were in so much pain that eventually I couldn't walk another step but I didn't want to accept defeat so I had to do the inevitable.'

45 minutes behind Google with overly-blistered feet, Isiah made an appropriate decision to put on shoes to finish his mission.

'I was going to do everything in my power to finish the job.'

With a current time of 7 hours and 3 minutes, he was cutting it close to Google's 9 hours and 16 minutes.

Reaching the end of his 27.4 mile (44.1 km) stretch, the challenge was finally over.

Isaiah finished his feat with a grand total of 64,684 steps and achieving a time of 8 hours and 39 minutes beating Google's predicted time.

'Take that Google, I beat you again.'

Featured Image Credit: Isaiah Photo/YouTube